
    グレッグ・スティーブンズ 准教授     座間味桃子 リサーチ・アドミニストレーター

  • Dr. Greg J Stephens, Professor  グレッグ・スティーブンズ 教授 
  • Momoko Zamami,  Research Administrator  座間味 桃子 リサーチ・アドミニストレーター
  • Dr. Jonas Chatel-Goldman, Postdoctoral Scholar since Jul 2014 シャテル・ゴールドマン・ジョナス 博士
  • Dr. Vudtiwat (Wave) Ngampruetikorn, Postdoctoral Scholar since Feb 2015 ニャンプルティコーン・ウェーヴ 博士
  • Ray Xin Lee, Ph.D. Student, joint with  Optical Neuroimaging Unit 李 昕叡 (博士課程)
  • Tosif Ahamed, Ph.D. Student アハメッド ・トシフ (博士課程)
  • Evropi Toulkeridou
  • Coconut man (Mentor and Spiritual Advisor)


Prof. Greg Stephens  グレッグ・スティーブンズ教授 greg.stephens@oist.jp


Dr. Jonas Chatel-Goldman  シャテル ゴールドマン ジョナス 博士  jonas.chatelgoldman@oist.jp

I completed my Ph.D. at Grenoble University and joined Stephens Unit as a postdoc scholar in July 2014. My research aims at exploring the possibilities that emerge at the interface of neurosciences, engineering, psychology and physics to push forward our understanding of human cognition. I am interested in uncovering the biological mechanisms at play when engaged into a naturalistic, rather unconstrained environment. This leads me to examine the brain and physiological activities in response to complex tasks and stimuli: movies with rich audio-visual content, reciprocal social interaction, or even empathy. Beside work, I have a wide range of artistic and physical hobbies, but my favorite are hiking/camping, running, capoeira, yoga, music, photography, go traveling, and I am also very keen on learning Japanese :)


Dr. Vudtiwat Ngampruetikorn  ニャンプルティコーン  ウェーヴ 博士  v.ngampruetikorn@oist.jp


Ray Xin Lee  李 昕叡  レイ・シン・リー rayxin.lee@oist.jp

After completing my B.S. in Life Science and M.S. in Zoology with Prof. Chen-Tung Yen in National Taiwan University, I started my Ph.D. at OIST, joining Prof. Greg Stephens' Biological Physics Theory Unit and Prof. Bernd Kuhn's Optical Neuroimaging Unit. Through the statistical physics perspective with experimental study in mice, I'm investigating neuronal population dynamics of the cerebral cortex underlying spontaneous volitional behaviors.  Outside of research, I have a wide range of passion for philosophy, art, science, and enjoy traveling!!!


Tosif Ahamed  アハメッド ・ トシフ   tosif.ahamed@oist.jp

"I am a Ph.D. student at OIST with a background in computational neuroscience and machine learning. I am interested in quantifying the behaviour and dynamics of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, which can be used further to shed light on how the C. elegans nervous system generates control signals that result in robust behaviour even in noisy sensory environments. I use a combination of theory and experiment to study this problem." 


Momoko Zamami   座間味 桃子   momoko.zamami@oist.jp

I am a Research Administrator for the Biological Physics Theory Unit.  It is a privilege to work with many talented scientists and students at the OIST Graduate University.