Seminar "Lithium Neutron Producing Target for BNCT" by Sergey Taskaev, Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics


2016年10月25日 (火) 10:00 11:30


Seminar Room C015 Lab 1 Level C


Seminar on: "Lithium Neutron Producing Target for BNCT"
Speaker: Dr. Sergey Taskaev, Leading Researcher, Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk, Russia

Abstract: Lithium neutron producing target for accelerator based Boron Neutron Capture Therapy is described and discussed. Rusults of experiments on lithium evaporation, neutron and gamma generation and results of investigations of heat removal, blistering, activation are presented. 

Hosted by: Advanced Medical Instrumentation Unit (Sugawara Unit)


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