Mindfulness for Wellbeing & Peak Performace - Online course supported by a weekly discussion group


2016年5月27日 (金) 16:15


Discussion Group in the small room at Kaito


Mindfulness for Wellbeing & Peak Performance - Online course supported by a weekly discussion group


Monday, May 23, 2016 (All day)


Mindfulness for Wellbeing & Peak Performace - 6 week online course organized by Futurelearn in conjunction with Monash University

マインドフルネス ~心の健康維持・向上&最高の成果を出すために~


Tired, distracted and stressed by the pace of modern life? Mindfulness might be the solution. Mindfulness is essentially about being more aware and awake in every moment of your life. It is about intentionally paying attention to each moment, being fully engaged in whatever is happening around and within you, with an attitude of friendliness and compassion. Research shows that when we are not deliberately paying attention to something, our brain clicks off into default mode, which is characterized by mind wandering, operating on “autopilot,” dwelling on the past, and worrying about judgment, criticism and the future.

The result can be increased stress and anxiety, poor communication, and impaired academic and occupational functioning. Mindfulness can help you unhook from these unproductive thought patterns and behaviors, and engage more fully with work and leisure time.

One of the online course facilitators is Dr Richard Chambers who recently gave a talk at OIST on the Science of Mindfulness. The talk was recorded and is available on the Ganjuu Wellbeing Website


Course commitment is 2-3 hours per week for video lectures, reading and assignments.As this is an online course you can do the reading and watch the videos during the week at a time that is convenient to you. This course is for anyone, because everyone can benefit from mindfulness. No previous experience of mindfulness is required. We will explain how mindfulness works, but above all this is a practical course. We will ask you to explore different mindfulness techniques and reflect on your experience.This course is not designed to be therapeutic for significant health problems so if you have any concerns in this regard then it is recommended that you speak to a suitably qualified health practitioner.

(Content from the course introduction)

To find out more information and enroll at: https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/mindfulness-wellbeing-performance







オンラインコースは英語で行われ、2-3時間分のビデオレクチャー、リーディングやその他の課題が課されます。オンラインのため、一週間の間で空い た時間に課題を終わらせる事ができます。また、誰でもこのコースを受講し、マインドフルネスの効果を学べます。あらかじめマインドフルネスについて勉強す る必要はありません。

ディスカッショングループではマインドフルネスの説明をすると同時に、様々なマインドルネスの技法を試していただき、感想を話し合います。言語は基 本的に英語ですが、コメントやご質問は日本語でも構いません。またこのコースは大きな健康問題に対する治療を目的としないため、それに関するご質問は適切 な医療関係者にご相談下さい。


****Putting it into Practice****

The Ganjuu Wellbeing service is offering a weekly group for one hour on Friday afternoons (16:15-17:15) for four weeks (starting 27th May) to support your learning, discuss the material with colleagues and to practice mindfulness. The group is conducted in English, but Japanese is also welcome for questions and comments. Benefit from the motivation, support and ideas of a group of like-minded individuals!   Remember to enroll for the course separately on the link above. You don't have to attend all six discussion group so if you are interested but not sure if you commit every week enroll and come when you can.


がんじゅうウェルビーングサービスは5月27日から毎週金曜日(16:15-17:15)、6週間にわたり、コース内容について話し合い、マインド フルネスの練習を行います。グループは基本的に英語で行われますが、コメントやご質問は日本語でも構いません。他のグループメンバーと一緒にアイディアを 出し合い、マインドフルネスを共に学びましょう!オンラインコースは上のリンクからのご登録が必要になりますのでご注意下さい。ディスカッショングループ に興味はあるけれど6回全てのグループに参加できない方でも大丈夫です。下のリンクからご登録いただき、参加できる際にお越し下さい。

If you are interested in taking advantage of this, please book your place here.


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