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OIST キッズキャンパスツアー2024

2024年7月17日 (水) 14:002024年8月27日 (火) 16:00
OIST 沖縄科学技術大学院大学

恩納村×OIST こどもかがく教室 2024

2024年7月22日 (月) 9:302024年7月26日 (金) 11:00
Onna Fureai Taiken Center, OIST

The details will be updated


[Seminar] "Changing Approaches to Monitoring Marine Biodiversity Change: An Overview of the WPI-AIMEC Marine Biology Integrative Analysis Unit" by Prof. Cheryl Ames

2024年7月22日 (月) 10:30 11:30
L4F01, Lab4

Dr. Cheryl Lynn AMES, Professor, Tohoku University


QG Guest Seminar: The Giant Graviton Expansion

2024年7月22日 (月) 14:00

Quantum Gravity Unit Guest Seminar Speaker: Paul Luis Roehl (DAMTP, University of Cambridge, UK) Title: "The Giant Graviton Expansion"


Seminar "On Symmetry breaking in Taylor-Couette System" by Prof. Yasushi Takeda

2024年7月22日 (月) 15:00 16:00
B712, Lab 3

[Speaker] Prof. Yasushi Takeda, Prof. em. Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, ex Scientist HEST, ETH Zurich, Switzerland


[Seminar] "Mechanisms of adaptive learning in biological neural networks" by Nelson Totah (TP24NM)

2024年7月23日 (火) 14:00 14:45

Title : Mechanisms of adaptive learning in biological neural networks Speaker : Nelson Totah This seminar is part of the TSVP Thematic Program: Neuromodulation of Adaptive Learning: Theoretical Lessons Learned From Invertebrate and Vertebrate Brains


TSVP Talk: "A Geometric Adventure in Machine Learning: Learning with Invariances, Structures, and Prior Knowledge" by Florian Yger

2024年7月23日 (火) 15:00
L5D23 and zoom

TSVP Talk Language: English (no interpretation). Target audience: General audience / everyone at OIST and beyond. Freely accessible to all OIST members and guests without registration (also via Zoom).


おまけ回 大学職員向け勉強会 / Supplementary Study Session for OIST Staff (JPN)

2024年7月23日 (火) 16:00 17:00
Lab3 C700

*Japanese session. English sessions will be held from September to December.

おまけ回「疑問の解消と理解の掘り下げ」 (日本語) Presenter: Mizuki Shimanuki, Provost Office. Facilitator: Ayumi Nagai, C-Hub

[RC] Insurance Company Visits OIST

2024年7月24日 (水) 11:00 15:00
The room next to the ATM in the center building

English-speaking insurance agent Wiltec in Chatan visits OIST. [When]11:00-15:00 [Where]Resource Center in the Center Building(right next to the ATM)


[Seminar] "Striatal neural circuits for sensorimotor functions" by Gilad Silberberg (TP24NM)

2024年7月24日 (水) 14:00

Title : Striatal neural circuits for sensorimotor functions Speaker : Gilad Daniel Silberberg, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden This seminar is part of the TSVP Thematic Program: Neuromodulation of Adaptive Learning: Theoretical Lessons Learned From Invertebrate and Vertebrate Brains


Kino Store

2024年7月24日 (水) 15:00
Center Court

Kino Store (Kinoza) Every Wednesday 15:00-17:00 Center Building, Level C, Center Court


恩納村×OIST こどもかがく教室 2024 オープンクラス

2024年7月25日 (木) 9:30 11:00

The details will be updated


[Seminar] MLDS Unit Seminar 2024-9 by Mr. Jose Restom (Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence: MBZUAI, UAE), Dr. Mohammad Sabokrou, OIST at D23, Lab5

2024年7月25日 (木) 13:00 14:00
Seminar Room D23, Lab5

Speaker 1: Mr. Jose Restom (Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence: MBZUAI, UAE)

Title: Handling Data Heterogeneity via Architectural Design for Federated Visual Recognition

Speaker 2: Dr. Mohammad Sabokrou, Staff Scientist, OIST

Title: Universal Novelty Detection Through Adaptive Contrastive Learning


Grants in Practice: How to Write a Successful MSCA Application

2024年7月25日 (木) 14:00 18:00

"Grants in Practice" session will be held at OIST on July 25th, for students and researchers interested in learning ways to successfully apply to grants, like the European MSCA


OIST Innovation open-hours

2024年7月26日 (金) 14:00
Innovation Lounge (Lab3 level A)

OIST Innovation opens its doors to OIST community every Friday .


OIST-KEIO International Research Summer Camp 2024

2024年7月29日 (月) (All day)2024年8月7日 (水) (All day)
OIST Campus

OIST-KEIO International Research Summer Camp 2024 will be held July 29th-August 7th. Please welcome 20 KEIO undergraduate medical school students to OIST! If you would like to get involved, check out events that OISTers are welcome to join!


1st OIST-Oxford-SLMath Summer Graduate School on Analysis of Partial Differential Equations

2024年7月29日 (月) (All day)2024年8月9日 (金) (All day)
OIST Main Campus L4E48

OIST-Oxford-SLMath Workshop | OIST organizer: Ugur Abdulla (Analysis and Partial Differential Equations) | Website | OIST members are welcome to attend all scientific sessions. Meals are closed sessions for registered participants only.


Seminar: "Understanding the regenerative powers of ocular pigment epithelium" by Prof. Del Rio-Tsonis

2024年7月29日 (月) 14:00 15:00
Lab1, C016

[Speaker] Dr. Katia Del Rio-Tsonis, Professor, Dept. Biology, Miami University (MU)

[Title] Understanding the regenerative powers of ocular pigment epithelium


Seminar "Modulation of turbulent fluctuations by small particles" by Prof. Izumi Saito

2024年7月29日 (月) 15:00 16:00
Lab3 C700

[Speaker] Prof. Izumi Saito, Associate Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology


Uchinaaguchi 101 -Let’s learn Uchinaaguchi (Okinawan language) and its history! with KEIO students! -

2024年7月29日 (月) 16:30 17:30
Conference Center Meeting Room
Uchinaaguchi 101 -Let’s learn Uchinaaguchi (Okinawan language) and its history with KEIO students! –

[RC] Insurance Company Visits OIST

2024年7月31日 (水) 11:00 15:00
The room next to the ATM in the center building

English-speaking insurance agent Wiltec in Chatan visits OIST. [When]11:00-15:00 [Where]Resource Center in the Center Building(right next to the ATM)


スタートアップ 海外への挑戦 ~シンガポールのリーダーから学ぶ~

2024年7月31日 (水) 14:00 17:00
OIST 第5研究棟 L5D23

OIST Innovationは、東南アジアにおけるスタートアップビジネスの展開に関するセミナーを開催します。シンガポール(NUSおよびJSIP)から著名な講師をお招きし、それぞれの専門知識や経験を共有していただきます。東南アジアのダイナミックな市場への挑戦に関心のあるスタートアップ企業、起業家、スタートアップ支援者を対象とし、セミナー後には講師と参加者のネットワーキングの機会を提供いたします。


TSVP Talk: "Proteins: Where do they come from? What are they? Where are they going?" by Erich Bornberg-Bauer

2024年8月1日 (木) 15:00
B250 and zoom

TSVP Talk Language: English (no interpretation). Target audience: General audience / everyone at OIST and beyond. Freely accessible to all OIST members and guests without registration (also via Zoom).


Seminar "Travelling waves in the pipe flow: a short ride on open questions" by Dr. Emanuele Gallorini

2024年8月2日 (金) 10:00 11:00
Center Bldg. B503

Speaker: Dr. Emanuele Gallorini, Post Doctoral Researcher , Department of Aerospace Science and Technology, Politecnico di Milano


Presidential Lecture by Professor Michael Stryker

2024年8月2日 (金) 10:30 12:00
B250 Sydney Brenner Lecture Theater
Presidential Lecture by Professor Michael Stryker on the topic "Why our brains are more flexible when we are younger".

Flash Talk Contest for OIST-KEIO International Research Summer Camp 2024

2024年8月7日 (水) 9:30 11:30
Sydney Brenner Lecture Theater (Seminar Room B250)

Since 2019, OIST and Keio University have been collaborating in various ways: initially with the School of Medicine, accepting research interns, and hosting a series of showcase talks to learn about each other's research.​ The International Research Summer Camp is planned to be held at OIST for Keio undergraduate medical school students as a part of our efforts to strengthen our educational collaboration. The summer camp is a valuable opportunity for undergraduate medical students to experience hands-on basic research, under the guidance of outstanding researchers from around the world in a global and interdisciplinary environment.


[RC] Insurance Company Visits OIST

2024年8月7日 (水) 11:00 15:00
Resource Center Center Bldg next to the ATM

English-speaking insurance agent Wiltec in Chatan visits OIST. [When]11:00-15:00 [Where]Resource Center in the Center Building(right next to the ATM)



2024年8月8日 (木) 13:30
OIST カンファレンスセンター ミーティングルーム1

TSVP Talk: "Revisiting Scalarization in Multi-Task Learning" by Han Zhao

2024年8月8日 (木) 15:00

TSVP Talk Language: English (no interpretation). Target audience: General audience / everyone at OIST and beyond. Freely accessible to all OIST members and guests without registration (also via Zoom).


【第2弾開催!】Okinawa Night -地域から始まるイノベーション-

2024年8月9日 (金) 17:30
AgVenture Lab (東京都千代田区大手町1-6-1 大手町ビルヂング9階)

OIST Innovation・AgVenture Labがお届けする「Okinawa Night第2弾」!イベントでは、OIST Innovationのスタートアップ支援プログラムや新設インキュベーション施設の最新情報を紹介する予定です。トークセッションでは、地方を拠点に活動するスタートアップが登壇し、地域の持つポテンシャルや協業、今後のグローバル展開までお話いただきます。


山の日 Mountain Day

2024年8月11日 (日) (All day)

National holiday


Last Day to Register---Writing Workshop Series---Module 1 of 6 on August 15

2024年8月12日 (月) (All day)
Register at the link below. Event will take place in Seminar Room L4F01.

Deadline for Registration---Writing Workshop Series, Module 1: Writing as Process and Story. Please register if you plan to attend at least one of the modules in the series, which are open to all OIST members.


休日 National Holiday

2024年8月12日 (月) (All day)

National holiday


SHIMA 2024

2024年8月13日 (火) 14:002024年8月15日 (木) 20:00



[RC] Insurance Company Visits OIST

2024年8月14日 (水) 11:00 15:00
The room next to the ATM in the center building

English-speaking insurance agent Wiltec in Chatan visits OIST. [When]11:00-15:00 [Where]Resource Center in the Center Building(right next to the ATM)


恩納村×OIST ジュニアサイエンスプログラム2024(中学生向け)

2024年8月14日 (水) 14:002024年8月16日 (金) 16:30

The details will be updated


[RC] Insurance Company Visits OIST

2024年8月21日 (水) 11:00 15:00
The room next to the ATM in the center building

English-speaking insurance agent Wiltec in Chatan visits OIST. [When]11:00-15:00 [Where]The room next to the ATM at the Center Building


OIST NetCafé (大学院説明会) 2024年8月

2024年8月23日 (金) 15:00



[RC] Insurance Company Visits OIST

2024年8月28日 (水) 11:00 15:00
The room next to the ATM in the center building

English-speaking insurance agent Wiltec in Chatan visits OIST. [When]11:00-15:00 [Where]The room next to ATM in the Center Building


[Seminar] Making eDNA data FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable)

2024年8月30日 (金) 13:00 14:00
OIST Lab1 B503 Seminar Room

Speaker: Dr. Miwa Takahashi, CERC Postdoctoral Fellow, Environomics Future Science Platform, NCMI | CSIRO

Hosted by: Professor Timothy Ravasi, OIST Marine Climate Change Unit

Abstract: Environmental DNA (eDNA) has emerged as a powerful monitoring tool for species detection and distribution mapping, with a remarkable surge in activity over the past decade. Metabarcoding studies have generated millions of DNA sequences with taxonomic assignments, while species-specific eDNA assays have produced comprehensive distribution maps for hundreds of taxa . (...)


Welcome Ceremony for the Class of 2024

2024年9月2日 (月) 10:00
OIST Auditorium

Welcome Ceremony for new faculty members joining OIST, and PhD students joining the Class of 2024.

The ceremony is open to all OIST community members and will be held at the Auditorium (Time TBD).


Conference - Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication and Cryptography (TQC2024)

2024年9月9日 (月) (All day)2024年9月13日 (金) (All day)
OIST Conference Center

OIST Center for Quantum Technologies (OCQT) would like to invite you to the TQC2024 conference scheduled for 9-13 September 2024 at OIST Conference Center, Okinawa, Japan.


敬老の日 Respect for the Aged Day

2024年9月16日 (月) (All day)

National holiday


秋分の日 Autumnal Equinox Day

2024年9月22日 (日) (All day)

National holiday


休日 National Holiday

2024年9月23日 (月) (All day)

National holiday


Okinawa School in Physics: Coherent Quantum Dynamics (2024)

2024年9月25日 (水) (All day)2024年10月3日 (木) (All day)
OIST Seaside House (Seminar Room B250 (1 day))

OIST Workshop | Website | Main organizer: Síle Nic Chormaic (Light-Matter Interactions for Quantum Technologies Unit) | OIST members are welcome to attend all scientific sessions. Meals are closed sessions for registered participants only.


[Open Seminar] 'From Quantum Optics to Bits and Pieces'

2024年9月30日 (月) 14:00 15:30
B250, Level B, Centre Building

[CQD2024 Open Seminar]

Title: From Quantum Optics to Bits and Pieces

Speaker: Prof Klaus Mølmer, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark


EMBO Workshop "Axonal Degeneration and Regeneration"

2024年10月6日 (日) (All day)2024年10月10日 (木) (All day)
OIST Seaside House and Main Campus

EMBO Workshop | Co-funded by OIST | Main organizer: Marco Terenzio ( Molecular Neuroscience Unit ) | Website |
