Computing resources terminology

CPU hour: aggregation followed by round up to the nearest whole hour of the jobs total CPU usage. For example, if a job used 1000 CPUs for one minute, it would be aggregated as 16.67 CPU hours then rounded up to 17 CPU hours.

GB, TB (gigabyte, terabyte): unit for amount of storage storage space. 1 TB = 1000 GB = 1,000,000,000,000 bytes (roughly 212 DVDs). Note that this unit differs from GiB, TiB (gibibyte, tebibyte) which is a unit for digital information measure; 1 TiB = 1024 GiB =  1,099,511,627,776 bytes.

Parallel computing: type of computation in which many calculations are carried out simultaneously using simultaneously several CPUs.

Sequential computing: type of computation in which many calculations are carried out using only one CPU

GPGPU (General-purpose computing on graphics processing units): graphical processing units (GPU) used to support the computation done by the CPU

Xeon-Phi: many-cores co-processors used to support the computation done by the CPU