Okinawa Analytical Instrument Network Discussion Group Meeting 2018



B250, Center Building




9:30- Registration and Open Door
10:00-10:10 Opening Remarks (Kazuo Yamauchi, IAS, OIST)

AM: “From Okinawa” Session (Japanese with English translation)

10:10-10:40 Introduction Lecture - Research with Analytical Instrument in Okinawa 

*Prof. Toshiaki Teruya (University of the Ryukyus)

10:40-12:00 'Analytical Instrument Research Institutes in Okinawa'
*Mr. Shin-ichi Gima (University of the Ryukyus)
*Dr. Ryoko Chinen (Okinawa Health Biotech. Research & Development Center)
*Mr. Koichi Akamine and Dr. Takayuki Ogi (Okinawa Industrial Technology Center)
*Prof. Shinya Ikematsu (National Institute of Technology, Okinawa College)
*Dr. Michael Roy (IAS, OIST)
Panel discussion “Okinawa and Analytical Instrument”
12:00-13:00 Lunch

PM: “To Asia“ Session (English with Japanese translation)

13:00-13:20 Introduction Lecture - Analytical Instrument in Okinawa, Japan, and Asia

*Dr. Yu Tsutsumi (Bruker Japan)
13:20-14:10 Lecture – Marine Resources and Analytical Instrument
*Prof. Hiroyuki Kono (National Institute of Technology, Tomakomai College)
14:10-15:00 Lecture – Metabonomic and Analytical Instrument
*Dr. Jun Kikuchi (Yokohama Riken)
15:20-16:10 Lecture - Analytical Instrument and Taiwan
*Dr. Chung-ke Chang (Academia Sinica, Taiwan)
16:10-17:00 Lecture - Analytical Instrument and Korea
*Dr. Jae Young Kwon (KIST, Korea)
17:00 Closing Remarks


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