Title: Ultrafast Dynamics and Control in Quantum Materials
Speaker: Professor. Richard Averitt
Institution: UC San Diego
Title: Establishment of body axes: Animal-vegetal and left-right axis specification in ascidian eggs and embryos
Speaker: Professor. Hiroki Nishida
Institution: Department of Biological Sciences, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University
Title: Alternative RNAs in the brain
Speaker: Professor. Pedro Miura
Institution: University of Nevada
Marine Biophysics Unit (Mitarai unit) would like to invite you to seminar by Prof. Stephen Monismith from Stanford University.
Title: Genetic and functional dissection of neural circuits formation in the zebrafish visual system
Speaker: Professor. Del Bene Filippo
Institution: INSERM/Institut Curie
Title: LRP2 mediates retinoid homeostasis to prevent myopia
Speaker: Professor. Brian A. Link
Department of Cell Biology, Neurobiology and Anatomy
Medical College of Wisconsin
Title: Synergism among genomic, transcriptomic, and proteomic approaches to the study of venom composition and evolution
Speaker: Professor. Darin R. Rokyta
Institution: Florida State University
The Animal Resources Section cordially invites all researchers involved in laboratory animal experiments, as well as other members, to attend the Annual Memorial Service for laboratory animals.
Title: Trapping Visons in Kitaev’s spin liquid
Speaker: Professor Masafumi Udagawa
Institution: Gakushuin University
Title: Emergence of topological gauge theories from coupled arrays of wires
-- coupled-- wire construction demystified
Speaker: Professor Keisuke Totsuka
Institution: Kyoto University