"Self-organization and criticality in martensite" Pierluigi Cesana


2018年1月30日 (火) 15:00 16:00


D015, Lab1


Prof. Pierluigi Cesana (Institute of Mathmatics for Industry, Kyushu University)

A martensitic phase-transformation is a first-order diffusionless transition occurring in elastic crystals and characterized by an abrupt change of shape of the underlying crystal lattice. It is the basic activation mechanism for the Shape-Memory effect. In this talk we present a probabilistic model for the description of martensitic microstructure as an avalanche process. Our approach to the analysis of the model is based on an associated general branching random walk process. Comparisons are reported for numerical and analytical solutions and experimental observations. This is a joint project with John M. Ball and Ben Hambly (Oxford).

(Photo Description) HREM of star disclinations in lead orthovanadate as studied in: Manolikas, C., Amelinckx, S., 1980, "Phase transitions in ferroelastic lead orthovanadate as observed by means of electron microscopy and electron diffraction". Phys. Stat. Sol. (a) 60, 607–617

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