[Seminar] Prof. Kazuhiko Suga "Turbulence Structure over Porous Media -- LBM Direct Numerical Simulations --"


2022年6月23日 (木) 10:00 11:00





Prof. Kazuhiko Suga 
Department of Mechanical Engineering, 
Osaka Metropolitan University

B.Eng., M.Eng.; Kyoto University, Japan
Ph.D.; The University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST), UK
D.Sc.; The University of Manchester, UK

Current Position: 
Professor, Head of Division; Dept.of Mech. Eng, Div.of Mech. Eng., Graduate School of Eng., Osaka Metropolitan University, Japan
President of Japan Society of Fluid Mechanics,
Chair of TSFP12 local organizing committee
Associate Editor of Int. J. Heat and Fluid Flow


Turbulence Structure over Porous Media
-- LBM Direct Numerical Simulations --


The talk starts from the descriptions of the reliable schemes for turbulence simulations, such as D3Q27 MRT and imbalance correction mesh refinement methods, developed by the speaker in the context of the lattice Boltzmann method. Then, the results of the DNS studies for porous medium flows by those methods are introduced. Those results explain how turbulence is affected by the permeability, anisotropic structure and surface topology of porous media via evolution of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability wave.

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