Seminar: "Chemical approaches for deciphering protein functions in live systems" by Prof. Itaru Hamachi
Chemical approaches for deciphering protein functions in live systems
by Prof. Itaru Hamachi, Kyoto University
Date: October 11, Tuesday
Time: 15:00 - 16:00
Venue: D015, Lab 1, Level D
Traditionally, proteins analysis has been conducted under the purified dilute aqueous conditions in most cases. However, it is recently being recognized that structure and functions of natural proteins in live systems are rather different from those under such pure conditions, and thus the protein should be studied in vivo more-details for deep understanding of these biomolecules. For such objectives, development of chemical methods to selectively label, image and regulate a target protein under live cell conditions is now highly desired in the recent chemical biology research. I describe here our recent progress in chemistry-based methods for specific labeling of endogenously expressed proteins driven by coupling of selective molecular recognition and reaction, so-called ligand-directed chemistry (LDchem), under live cell conditions. In addition to such organic chemistry-based approaches, my group has now demonstrated a different approaches relied on supramolecular chemistry is also powerful for this objectives. My group believes that such a new chemistry may facilitate various aspects of fundamental chemical researches, in addition to diagnostic or pharmaceutical applications.
References Hamachi, I.,, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2013, 52, 4088 (review), Nature ChemBio., 2009, 5, 341, and 2016, in press. Nature Chem., 2009, 1, 557, and 2016, ASAP and in press. Nature Meth., 2016, under revision.
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