
2023年3月12日 (日) 13:00


Serakaki Beach, Onna


Location (parking):


Location (beach itself, very close):


Dear friends,

We invite you to join us in making a difference for our planet by participating in a beach cleaning event on Sunday, March 12th at Seragaki beach, Onna village, Okinawa. The event will begin at 13:00, and we encourage everyone to arrive on time to make the most of our efforts.

The ocean is an integral part of our ecosystem and home to countless species of marine life. Unfortunately, pollution and plastic waste have become significant problems in recent years, posing a danger to the ocean's health and the creatures that call it home.

We must act now to combat this growing problem, and the beach cleaning event is a perfect opportunity to do so. By removing litter and debris from the beach, we can help prevent it from being washed out to sea, and ultimately reduce the amount of pollution and plastic in our oceans.


We kindly request that all participants bring their own gloves to use while collecting trash on the beach. Gardening gloves or any type of durable gloves are recommended. We will have a limited number of gloves available for those who do not have their own, but we encourage you to bring your own if possible.

Additionally, please remember to protect yourself from the sun by wearing appropriate clothing, using sunblock, and bringing a hat or sunglasses. It's also important to stay hydrated, so please bring a reusable water bottle to refill throughout the event.



We invite everyone to come out and join us for this important cause. Together, we can make a real difference for our environment and the future of our planet.

Please remember to check the event's web page for any changes in time or location, and don't forget to join our WhatsApp beach cleaning group to receive updates and stay connected with like-minded individuals.

Let's work together to create a cleaner, healthier planet, one beach at a time. Together, we can make a positive impact on the environment and the health of our oceans. Thank you for your support and we hope to see you on March 12th at Seragaki beach, Onna village.


OIST Beach Cleaning Club and ChatGPT


Special thanks to ANA InterContinental Manza Beach Resort


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