Abstract: The Heisenberg uncertainty principle, which is a fundamental result in quantum mechanics, and related inequalities such as the hydrogen and Hardy uncertainty principles, belong to the family of geometric inequalities known as the Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg inequalities. In this talk, we discuss some recent results about the optimal uncertainty principles, Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg inequalities, and their quantitative stability. The talk is based on recent joint works with C. Cazacu, J. Flynn and G. Lu.
Speaker: Prof. Gediminas Juzeliūnas, Vilnius University
Speaker: Prof. Robert V. Kohn (Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, NYU)
Title: Prediction with expert advice: a PDE perspective on a model problem from machine learning
Speaker: Prof Maarten Hoogerland, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Talk title: Anderson localisation and quantum optics experiments in Auckland
FY22 _Fixed Asset Inspection session will be held via Zoom.Those in charge of please participate in this session.
Language: English
Biological Complexity Unit Seminar, open to everyone who is interested. In person or zoom. Lab 3 B712.
Title: "GC bias-aware abundance estimation from metagenomic data increases accuracy and replicability"
Speaker: Prof. Agnid Banerjee (TIFR CAM, Bangalore)
Title: Space like strong unique continuation for some fractional parabolic equations
Speaker: Dr. Thomas Akam, University of Oxford