
2018年8月6日 (月) 13:00 14:00

"Broadband plasmonics in the optical and THz range" by Prof. Venu Gopal Achanta, DCMP&MS, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, India


2018年8月3日 (金) 16:30

Internal Seminar, Friday August 3rd, C700, 4-5pm


2018年8月3日 (金) 16:00

Internal Seminar, Friday August 3rd, 2018, 4pm


2018年7月31日 (火) 14:00 15:00

This talk will take as a starting point the Skyrmions as baryons in large-N QCD. It is further assumed that at high density, the sextic term in derivatives becomes dominant at some large density. This assumption is based on the observation that the term behaves like a perfect fluid, which is welcome for nuclear matter at large density – an environment suitable for the studies of neutron stars. With very large masses and compact radii, neutron stars become the closes known stable objects to the critical line of gravitational collapse. With some phenomenological motivation in mind, we consider the possibilities of finding exact analytic solutions to a system which is approximated by the sextic derivative term and a potential; this system is called the BPS-Skyrme model. We find a condition for when the gravitating soliton equations can be solved exactly and deduce the phenomenological implications. We furthermore find that this system has the peculiarity of not having stable black holes, meaning that the soliton cannot become scalar hair of a black hole. This is somewhat surprising, because the Skyrme soliton with a fourth-order derivative term can become stable black hole hair. We write down a class of models with higher-order derivative terms and find 2 new models that can sustain stable hair and 2 new that cannot.

Finally, we consider the problem of the classical binding energies of the Skyrmions, which are far too large compared to nuclei and explain a solution to this problem based on holography. Interestingly the solution from holography relates the baryon to the instanton of a 5-dimensional theory and the moduli of the instanton become massive modes in the Skyrmion. These modes in addition to the zero modes of the Skyrmion are expected to describe the spectra of nuclei.


2018年7月30日 (月) 15:30 16:30

We are pleased to invite you to attend the seminar!


2018年8月21日 (火) 14:00 15:00

Prof. Masaya Sawamura,  Professor, Hokkaido University. Language: English


2018年8月7日 (火) 14:30 15:00

"Dr. Shugo Suwazono, Chief of the Division of Neurology, National Hospital Organization Okinawa Hospital. Language: English, no interpretation."


2018年7月20日 (金) 10:30 11:00

The Library would like to invite you to the Institutional Repository (OISTIR) Seminar on July, 20 (Friday).

Last year, we held "Institutional Repository & Archival of Research Data" in cooperation with the Dean of Research Office.

This year, we would like to give information about Open Access and some updates related to OISTIR.  


Date: July 20 (Friday)

Time: 10:00-10:25 (English)

          10:30-10:55 (Japanese)

Venue: B250, Center Building


2020年12月18日 (金) 10:30 11:40

The Library would like to invite you to the Institutional Repository (OISTIR) Seminar. OISTIR is the Open Access repository platform that provides public access to the intellectual output of OIST.

Dec. 18th Friday

10:30 - 11:00


B503, Lab 1

Join by Zoom: Click HERE


2018年7月24日 (火) 11:00 12:00

"Halide Perovskites for Photovoltaic and Light-Emission Applications" Prof. Sam Stranks, Cavendish Labratory, University of Cambridge
