
2024年2月19日 (月) 11:00 12:00

Seminar by Prof. Orailoglu (UCSD). Algorithm-Centric Design of Reliable and Efficient Deep Learning Processing Systems


2024年3月7日 (木) 10:30 11:30

Speaker: Prof. Ryoma Kamikawa, Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University 



2024年2月19日 (月) 18:30


The Discrete Dirac operator and the mass of simple and higher-order networks


We discuss the properties of the discrete Dirac operator on simple and higher-order and its relevance to capture the coupled dynamics topological signals defined on nodes, links of graphs and even higher dimensional simplices.

We will show how the Dirac operator can be coupled with the algebra of gamma matrices to define a Dirac field theory in discrete Lorentzian spacetime in  which the spinor is given a geometrical interpretation. The field theory also includes metric degree of freedom interpreted as the weights of the links for which we can define an action. 

We use the discrete topological Dirac operator to define an action for a massless self-interacting topological Dirac field inspired by the Nambu–Jona-Lasinio model. We propose a theoretical framework that explains how the mass of simple and higher-order networks emerges from their topology and geometry. The mass of the network is strictly speaking the mass of this topological Dirac field defined on the network; it results from the chiral symmetry breaking of the model and satisfies a self-consistent gap equation. Interestingly, it is shown that the mass of a network depends on its spectral properties, topology, and geometry.


2024年3月1日 (金) 10:00 11:00

Dr. Junichi Ikenouchi

Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Kyushu University


2024年2月21日 (水) 16:00 17:00

Title: Guiding Light to Non-Classicality

Speaker: Dr Philipp Schneeweiss, Humboldt University, Germany


2024年3月21日 (木) 14:00 15:00

[Seminar] “Axonal transport disfunctions in neurodegenerative diseases” by Prof. Giampietro Schiavo


2024年3月14日 (木) 10:50 11:50

The OIST Center for Quantum Technologies (OCQT) cordially invites to a seminar featuring:

Speaker: Noriaki Horiuchi, PhD

Affiliation: Senior Editor, Springer Nature, Japan

Title: What Nature Photonics looks for

We look forward to your participation.


2024年2月16日 (金) 15:00 16:00

Let’s vote for Class 2022 Group Project Awards!

Class 2022 OIST students have been working on group projects for about 10 months as a part of their Professional and Career Development Program (PCD)completion of a group project is mandatory for all students in their Year 1-2, and at the end, students give a presentation on their project. 

Each group puts a tremendous amount of time and energy to create great projects. Please join and see their presentation  and vote for;

  • The Best Project Award:  Most ‘Wow-factored’ project
  • Community Award: Most ‘community engaged’ project
  • People’s Choice Award: Just because you LOVE it!

Thank you for your participation and support for the Class 2022!


2024年3月11日 (月) 17:00 18:00

Title: Dipolar quantum gases: From rotons to supersolids

Speaker: Dr. Manfred Mark, Institut für Experimentalphysik, Universität Innsbruck, Austria


2024年2月22日 (木) 11:00 12:00

Target audience: Interns, Students, PostDocs, and those who are interested in the same research field.

Language: English
