Speaker 1: Mr. Kazusato Oko (The University of Tokyo)
Title: How to learn a sum of diverse features provably: A case study of ridge combinations
Speaker 2: Mr. Yuki Takezawa (Kyoto University)
Title: Polayk Meets Parameter-free Clipped Gradient Descent
Speaker: Sebastian Murk
Title: Light rings and causality for nonsingular ultracompact objects sourced by nonlinear electrodynamics
Speaker: Matthieu Koroma PhD in Neuroscience
Title: Cardiac responses of sensory processing in wake and sleep
Speaker : Christian Hansel (The University of Chicago, The Department of Neurobiology)
This in-person interactive workshop is for graduate students, post-docs, and other researchers. This ICOGS* workshop is offered by the Georgia Tech Effective Team Dynamics Initiative and will be facilitated by Prof Mary Lynn Realff (MSE). * (ICOGS) Interdisciplinary Collaboration for Graduate Students
Working as part of a team, or group, comes with both benefits and challenges. The benefits include interacting with people who bring different viewpoints, expertise and experiences to the table. However, the challenges include communicating effectively with people who have different backgrounds and dealing constructively with conflict due to different viewpoints.
The workshop will explore how diversity in a team can strengthen it, different approaches to dealing with conflict, how to have a “difficult conversation” with both peers and your supervisor, and strategies for avoiding communications problems. Take home tools to improve your team skills will be provided.
This session will be focusing on Contribution and Values, Communication, Conflict Resolution, Crucial Conversation, adn Unconditional Positive Regards.
This in-person interactive workshop is for graduate students Class2023. This ICOGS* workshop is offered by the Georgia Tech Effective Team Dynamics Initiative and will be facilitated by Prof Mary Lynn Realff (MSE). * (ICOGS) Interdisciplinary Collaboration for Graduate Students
Working as part of a team, or group, comes with both benefits and challenges. The benefits include interacting with people who bring different viewpoints, expertise and experiences to the table. However, the challenges include communicating effectively with people who have different backgrounds and dealing constructively with conflict due to different viewpoints.
The workshop will explore how diversity in a team can strengthen it, different approaches to dealing with conflict, how to have a “difficult conversation” with both peers and your supervisor, and strategies for avoiding communications problems. Take home tools to improve your team skills will be provided.
Speaker: Dr. Fiorella Ramirez Esquivel, UNSW Canberra, Australia
Language: English
Join Dominik Steiner, Founding Partner at 650 Fund, for a seminar designed for entrepreneurs and entrepreneurially-minded researchers interested implementing their innovative ideas through the power of networks and mentorship | 25 June 2024 | 11:00-12:00 | C209
Talk 1: 15:00-16:00
Speaker: Prof. Tatsuki Kawakami (Ryukoku University)
Title: Asymptotic expansions of solutions to fractional diffusion equations
Talk 2: 16:00-17:00
Speaker: Prof. Keisuke Takasao (Kyoto University)
Title: Phase field method for mean curvature flow with obstacles