Join us for our Winter Ganjuu Open House!
15th Dec. between 14 to 16 pm.
Women's minds and bodies
Hormonal perspectives on life planning and wellbeing
女性の心と身体 ホルモンから考える
[With Simultaneous Interpretation 英語同時通訳あり]
The human body has immunity and resistance that protect us from illness and injury. The human mind also has the capacity to rescues us from difficulties and despair. This power is called resilience. When people are in pain, when they have given up, they think about death because they think it is the only solution. Before the vision of death flickers over us, tempting us with false solutions, let's think about how to draw out and use our resilience.
We will proceed with a dialogue. A dialogue between you and me. And as we listen to each other, have a dialogue with our own hearts.
長田 清 (長田クリニック院長 医学博士)
Kiyoshi Nagata (Director, Nagata Clinic, M.D.)
Born in Naha City.
Graduated from Tokushima University School of Medicine.
Worked at Tokyo Metropolitan Matsuzawa Hospital and Okinawa Prefectural Seiwa Hospital. Opened Nagata Clinic (psychosomatic medicine) in Naha City in 2001.
He has focused his activities on psychotherapy, including introspective therapy, hypnotherapy, group therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, solution-oriented approach, and positive psychology. He is actively learning counseling techniques and is applying his experience in clinical treatment and social activities.
Representative Director of NPO Okinawa CAP Center (Child Abuse Prevention Activities)
President, Okinawa Hotline
Vice President, Okinawa Psychiatric Clinics Association
This workshop is open to the whole OIST community.
OIST コミュニティどなたでもご参加いただけます。
TELL Step Up Challenge ・TELLステップアップチャレンジ
Oct. 2nd (Mon) 11:00-13:00 @Meet at Lab 4 entrance at 11:00
10月2日(月)11:00-13:00 @LAB4入り口に11時集合
Join us in taking action to raise awareness while creating hope. As we remember 21,881 people who lost their lives to suicide last year in Japan, we aim to walk 21,881 steps around the OIST campus.
However, walking isn’t the only option. Whether you’re cycling, swimming, dancing or meditating for 21,881 seconds – whatever you choose to do, it all matters and all are welcome! If you would like your steps/ seconds to be counted, please email Ganjuu so we may collate all our efforts together!
You can register for TELL Step Up Challenge via their website. There is a ¥1,500 sign-up fee, however this is not required to participate. ( campaign aims to raise awareness of mental health issues.
Suicide Prevention Awareness Events 自殺予防啓発イベント
~Taking care of yourself and each other~ 「自分自身とお互いを大切にしよう」
- Monday September 11th, from 11:30-13:30 at Café Area
- 9月11日(月)11 時半~13 時半、カフェのあたり
【September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month】
In honor of World Suicide Prevention Day on September 10th , Suicide Prevention Week in Japan from 10th -16th September, and R U ok? Day on September 14th , Ganjuu Wellbeing Service will hold a fundraising stall for Tokyo English Lifeline (TELL) on Monday September 11th, from 11:30-13:30 at Café Area. TELL provides suicide prevention lifeline services in Japan, both in English and Japanese. Please join us for some handmade baked goods, read some informative posters, get some TELL materials, and chat with Ganjuu clinicians. All are welcome. We encourage you to wear yellow on that day, to show support for Suicide Prevention Day!
[9 月は自殺防止啓発月間です]
9 月 10 日の「世界自殺予防デー」、9 月 10 日~16 日の「自殺予防週間」、 9月 14 日の「R U ok? デー」にちなんで、 9月11日(月)11 時半~13 時半、カフェのあたりで 東京英語いのちの電話(TELL)のための募金活動を行います。 TELL は日本語と英語両方で自殺予防ホットラインのサービスを提供しています。焼 き菓子をご用意しておりますのでぜひお立ち寄りください。ポスターを読んだり、 TELL のグッズをもらったり、Ganjuu の心理士とお話したりすることができます。 どなたでも大歓迎です。 当日は黄色い服を着て、 自殺予防デーをサポートしましょう!
Up Coming Events
⚫ TELL Talk (Sep. 14th) 11:30-12:00 @C210. Saya from TELL Okinawa will give us a short presentation on their work and share with us their resources.
⚫ TELL Step Up Challenge (Oct. 2nd) 11:00-13:00 @Meet at LAB4 Join us in honoring the 21,881 people who lost their lives to suicide in Japan last year by taking action to raise awareness and funds while creating hope! We will aim to walk 21,881 steps around OIST campus.
⚫ Suicide Prevention Workshop (Nov. 27) 11:00-12:00 @C209 Presented by Nagata from Okinawa Lifeline, to raise awareness about suicide prevention.
⚫ TELL トーク (9 月 14 日) 11:30-12:00 @C210 TELL 沖縄のサヤさんを迎え、TELL 沖縄の活動 や、リソースについてお話していただきます。
⚫ TELL ステップアップチャレンジ (10 月 2 日) 11:00-13:00 @LAB4 前に集合 昨年日本で自殺により命を落とした 21,881 人に 敬意を表し、OIST キャンパス周辺を 21,881 歩 歩くことを目指します。
⚫ 自殺予防ワークショップ (11 月 27 日) 11:00-12:00 @C209 沖縄いのちの電話の長田理事長を講師に迎え、自 殺予防について学びます
Ganjuu Open House
Friday July 14th 2-4PM
Please join us for tea, coffee, and home baking!
Bring yourself, your colleagues, your families, and share some time, talk, and listen to others.
All are welcome :)
Location: Ganjuu Wellbeing Service
Dr Kana Grace (カナ・グレイス博士)
カナは、自閉症専門の英日バイリンガル心理学者です。現在、博士号を取得したユニバーシティカレッジロンドンの自閉症研究所の名誉研究員・オーストラリアの自閉症チャリティー団体Autism Spectrum Australiaの共同研究者です。BBC, Scientist, Spectrum など国外の主要なメディアでも注目される自閉症研究者・活躍家です。カナは、自閉症・ADHD当事者で自閉症・ニューロダイバーシティの擁護活動に熱意を持っています。
博士, ユニバーシティカレッジロンドン, 英国
修士(カウンセリング心理学), ボストンカレッジ, 米国
PgCert(自閉症), シェフィールドハラム大学, 英国
- 1000円/1人
- お支払い詳細はメールにてお伝えします。
- メールタイトル:「講演会」
- メールの本文:希望のセッション(日本語化か英語)・参加人数をご記入ください。
- 予約完了の返信を致します。
- 定員20名の先着順です。
11:00 am - 12:15 pm 日本語
14:00 pm - 15:15 pm 英語
Autism as an invisible disability: What you see is NOT everything
A lack of societal understanding and acceptance of autism is a serious issue that is associated with loneliness and mistreatments of autistic people in criminal justice system or employment. Autism is not a disorder or impairment that needs to be treated or cured. What needs to be changed is the societal understanding of autism.
In this talk, from the societal model and neurodiversity paradigm, I will highlight lived experiences of autistic people including my own and latest research and cover topics such as sociality, loneliness, and mental health in autism. There will be a Q&A session at the end.
Dr Kana Grace
Kana is an English-Japanese bilingual psychologist specializing in Autism. She is an Honorary Research Fellow at the Center for Research in Autism and Education (CRAE) at University College London where she completed her PhD, and a research collaborator at Autism Spectrum Australia. She has been featured in major media such as BBC, Scientist, and Spectrum. Kana is autistic and an ADHDer, and is passionate about advocacy for autism and neurodiversity.
1,000 yen/person
I will send you the details via email.
Please email to
- Email title: "talk"
- Email text: please write down your preffered session (English or Japanese) and numbers of people who are coming.
- I will reply to you to confirm your booking.
- First-come-first-served basis of 20 capacity
Seminar Room, Seaside House, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST)
Date and time:
Saturday, July 29
11:00 am - 12:15 pm Japanese
14:00 pm - 15:15 pm English
I will do the same talk at different times. Choose the one you prefer!
This presentation will cover a new perspective on the definition of chronic pain, coupled with the new brain studies postulating that emotional and physical pains share the same neural networks.