Internal Seminar: Sander Lindeman, Sensory and Behavioural Neuroscience Unit


Friday, December 7, 2018 - 16:30


Lab3, C700


Internal Seminar

Speaker: Sander Lindeman, Postdoctoral Scholar, Sensory and Behavioural Neuroscience Unit (Fukunaga Unit)

Title: The role of attention on the development of olfactory granule cells


We perceive the world around us using our senses. Through the sense of smell, or olfaction, we detect chemicals in our surrounding, which inform us about foods and dangers. In mice, new neurons are born in the olfactory system throughout their lives. The majority of these adult born neurons are inhibitory granule cells, located in the olfactory bulb. Granule cells are involved in odour discrimination by modulating the activity of the projection neurons in the olfactory bulb, which ultimately send olfactory signals to the olfactory cortex. Granule cells also receive input back from the olfactory cortex, providing contextual information. 
During my time at OIST I am set out to study the role of attention on the development of new born olfactory granule cells. In this internal seminar I will talk about this project in more detail, explain our question and methods, and provide you with preliminary data.

Following the seminar, please join us for free pizza, soft drinks, and scientific discussion from 5-5:30pm. 

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