Internal Seminar: Dale Koenig, Topology and Geometry of Manifolds Unit (Tsvietkova Unit)


Friday, February 16, 2018 - 16:30




Internal Seminar

Speaker: Dale Koenig, Postdoctoral Researcher, Topology and Geometry of Manifolds Unit (Anastasiia Tsvietkova) 

Title: How to recognize a knot


Knot theory poses questions that anyone can understand but that often require deep theory to answer. It has significant applications in the theory of 3-manifold topology, but its applications extending to physics and the study of DNA. It also serves as in example to show how we can use mathematics to answer questions that initially seem very intuitive and unmathematical. In this talk I will describe how we define knots in mathematics, and how we can use mathematical objects called invariants to identify them. I will introduce some simple invariants and prove that the trefoil, the "simplest" knot, is indeed knotted.

Free pizza and soft drinks will be served following the Internal Seminar. Please bring your own mug!

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