"Earthquake and a possible precursor in a data-driven manner"


Friday, December 16, 2016 - 17:30 to 18:00




Internal Seminar: Tomoki Tokuda, Postdoctoral Researcher, Mathematical and Theoretical Physics Unit (Hikami Unit) 

Title: "Earthquake and a possible precursor in a data-driven manner" 


Abstract: Earthquake is a natural phenomenon that can cause substantial human and material damage.  Though we have coexisted with earthquakes since the beginning of our history, its fundamental mechanism has not been understood until the middle of the 20th century. Currently,  a number of seismographs are set in many places of Japan, monitoring occurrence of earthquakes on line. Owing to this earthquake monitoring system, we can access detailed information on small and big earthquakes that have occurred around Japan. However, it remains a very challenging problem to predict when and where a big earthquake will take place in near future.  In this talk, I discuss our preliminary study on earthquake prediction in a data-driven manner. As a precursor, (i.e., predictor), we used slow earthquakes (low-frequency earthquakes) that were captured in the earthquake monitoring system.

Refreshments will be served afterwards. We hope to see you there! 

Internal Seminar Organizing Committee: 

Bianca Sieveritz 
Rob Campbell 
Maggi Mars-Brisbin 
Yunhui Zheng 
Jonathan Ward 
Lauren Dembeck 
Jigyasa Arora 
Maéva Techer

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