Theoretical Ecology Seminar/Discussion Series





Theoretical Ecology Seminar/Discussion Series


Date: Every Wednesday at 15:00

Location: Zoom


This seminar series aims to unite those at OIST interested in ecology, evolution, and theory every Wednesday to watch a pre-recorded talk from world-leading theoreticians (~30 min) and then casually discuss the talk amongst ourselves over tea/coffee/snacks.


We’ll be shamelessly piggybacking off the International Initiative for Theoretical Ecology, who run a phenomenal seminar series (see, to watch the pre-recorded talks at a time that’s more friendly to our local timezone.


Looking forward to talking theory with you all!

Sam Ross (Integrative Community Ecology Unit)


Date: Every Wednesday

Time: 3pm –

Zoom link:


** Talk schedule **

[26 Jan 2022] Guy Bunin (Technion, Haifa). Phase-transitions as signatures of complex communities.

[2 Feb 2022] Éva Kisdi (Helsinki). The evolution of habitat choice facilitates niche expansion.

[9 Feb 2022] Vadim Karatayev (University of Guleph). Species heterogeneity can reduce the potential for alternative stable states in food webs.

[16 Feb 2022] André M. de Roos (University of Amsterdam). Towards a general theory of coexistence: Lyapunov exponents, auxiliary variables, and Hofbauer’s criterion.

[23 Feb 2022] -

[2 Mar 2022] Sebastian Schreiber (UC Davis). General theorems for coexistence and extinction in stochastic models.

[9 Mar 2022] Stefano Allesina (University of Chicago). A metapopulation model in which patches have memory.

[16 Mar 2022] -

[23 Mar 2022] Nadav Shnerb (Bar Ilan University). Quantifying coexistence.

[30 Mar 2022] Camille Carpentier (University of Namur). A new link-species relationship connects ecosystem structure and stability.

[6 Apr 2022] Stephen Ellner (Cornell). An invitation to spatial coexistence theory.

[13 Apr 2022] Thomas Koffel (Michigan State). A niche theory of positive interactions.

[20 Apr 2022] James O’Dwyer (University of Illinois). Cooperation, Resource Exchange, and Stability.

[27 Apr 2022] Géza Meszéna (Eötvös University). Coexistence, niche, adaptation and all that

[4 May 2022] -

[11 May 2022] Theresa Ong (Dartmouth). Complex hysteretic patterns: hidden loops and ecological traps.

[18 May 2022] György Barabás (Linköping University). Coexistence and parameter sensitivity in stationary aperiodic environments.

[25 May 2022] Priyanga Amarasekare (UCLA). Predicting the effects of climate warming: from chemistry to evolution.

[1 Jun 2022] Masato Yamamichi (Brisbane). How does rapid evolution promote species coexistence?

[8 Jun 2022] Cinzia Soresina (University of Gratz). The influence of cross-diffusion in pattern formation: multistability and Hopf bifurcations.

[15 Jun 2022] Chuliang Song (McGill University). An environment-dependent framework to study ecological networks.

[22 Jun 2022] Neo Martinez (Indiana University). Predicting Ecosystem Metaphenome from Community Metagenome: A Grand Challenge for Environmental Biology.

[29 Jun 2022] Rafael D’Andrea (Stony Brook). Counting niches: Can spatial patterns reveal niche partitioning in tropical forests?

[6 Jul 2022] Jacob D. O’Sullivan (Queen Mary). The emergent macroecology of Lotka-Volterra metacommunities.

[13 Jul 2022] Mathew Leibold (University of Florida). Linking process to pattern in community assembly in diverse metacommunities.

[20 Jul 2022] Laura Dee (Colorado Boulder). Putting ecological theory to work for conservation.

[27 Jul 2022] Rachel Germain (UBC). Theory in service of empirical research: examples from experiments on the ecology and evolution of species coexistence.

[3 Aug 2022] Robert D. Holt (University of Florida). COVID-19 meets the Hutchinsonian niche.

[10 Aug 2022] Jeremy W. Fox (University of Calgary). Higher order interactions don’t matter in species-rich communities.

[17 Aug 2022] Ehud Meron (Ben-Gurion). Linking spatial self-organization to community assembly in dryland plant communities.

[24 Aug 2022] Brian J. McGill (Maine). Can probabilistic sampling from a regional pool explain community ecology patterns?

[31 Aug 2022] Axel Rossberg (Queen Mary). Evolution of prudent predation in complex food webs.

[7 Sep 2022] John DeLong (Nebraska). Title TBC.

[14 Sep 2022] Bruno Travassos de Britto (São Paulo). Towards a pragmatic view of theories in ecology.

[21 Sep 2022] Frederic De Laender (University of Namur). Title TBC.

[28 Sep 2022] Matthew Spencer (Liverpool). Title TBC.

[5 Oct 2022] Lauren Shoemaker (Wyoming). Title TBC.

[12 Oct 2022] Lauren Hallett (Oregon). Title TBC.

[19 Oct 2022] TBC.

[26 Oct 2022] TBC.

[2 Nov 2022] Sonia Kefi (Montpellier). Title TBC.

[9 Nov 2022] TBC.

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