[Zoom] IAS Users Meeting and Seminar: Flow Cytometry


Friday, July 17, 2020 - 13:00 to 15:00


Zoom / D014, Lab1


We will resume the traditional IAS Users Meeting and Seminar from July 2020, by following the “The New Normal at OIST” guideline.

You can join the Users Meeting or/and Seminar either via Zoom or on-site, but please note that we need to keep the room occupancy rate less than 50% of the maximum capacity.


  • Zoom link: https://oist.zoom.us/j/91182710724?pwd=eDZjUSs3dm8xZW96S3NIdjhxa1Rrdz09​

  • Meeting ID: 911 8271 0724
  • Meeting Password: 560151


[13:00-13:50  Users Meeting]

Topic Category: Flow Cytometry


[14:00-15:00  Seminar]

Title: Introduction to Flow Cytometry

Speaker: Fuka KOJA, M Sc. (Research Support Technician, Instrumental Analysis Section, OIST)


Flow cytometry is a technique for analyzing thousands of cells or particles in suspension, looking at the expression of cell surface or/and intracellular molecules at a single cell level. This helps to characterize and quantify different cell types in a heterogeneous cell population, assessing the purity of isolated subpopulations with cell size, internal complexity and fluorescent label information. To allow for multiple different biological or biochemical properties of the cells to be determined at one time, the cells can be stained with different fluorescent dyes, which bind specifically to a cellular component of interest. This seminar aims to give you a basic overview of main aspects of Flow cytometry. The instrument for this technique is called Flow cytometer, which is a laser-based instrument, able to analyze or sort cells based on their scattering light and/or fluorescence emission information. It is widely used for clinical research, biology and biochemistry research fields. Current instrumentation for Flow cytometry includes variants as Imaging flow cytometry and Mass cytometry, enhancing the number of acquired features. At OIST, we have totally 10 flow cytometers, including these new variants, giving an ample repertoire of techniques to our research. Their main characteristics and some basic applications will be introduced at the seminar.

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