"The Power of Reward: Impact on Child Behavior" by OIST Children's Research Center

14:00 ~ 14:10:Greetings
14:10 ~ 14:25:Introduction of research on ADHD at OIST
14:25 ~ 14:35:Q&A
14:35 ~ 15:00:Panel Discussion 1: Researchers and Parents in Miyazaki
15:00 ~ 15:20:Panel Discussion 2: Supporters and parents in Okinawa
15:20 ~ 15:25:Discussion preparation
15:25 ~ 15:55:Discussion with audience
15:55 ~ 16:00:Closing remarks
For Off-site Participants:
Please join the meeting via Zoom link below:
Meeting ID: 940 1026 2422
Password: 691343
Research on Reward:
People respond differently to praise and other rewarding experiences, and this affects everday behaviors. At OIST Children's Research Center, we study how these experiences affect the brain and behavior of those with ADHD. We hope that understanding the power of reward will help better support children.
Discussion with Community Participants:
Parents, teachers, and professionals who support children everyday in Okinawa and Miyazaki will share their experiences. An anime producer will also join us with ideas on clear communication.
We also welcome the event audience to share thier opinions and questions. We want to learn from everyone's expereinces and generate ideas for supporting diverse children.
Even Participants:
Community participants
Emi Furukawa (OIST Children's Research Center Group Leader, US Licensed Clinical Psychologist )
Aya Kasai (Miyazaki International College Associate Professor, Expressive Art Therapist, Registered Psychologist)
Hideto Kawakita (JST・ RISTEX "Solution -Driven Co-creative R&D Program for SDGs" Program Officer)
Contact: adhd@oist.jp 098-966-8814
Children allowed to the event. You will be able to get in and out of the Auditorium freely, and a space is made available for resting during the event.
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