Feedback Survey for the virtual get together

Thank you very much for attending the virtual get together!

For our future improvement, we would love to hear your feedback.

Please complete the suvey below and submit it by October 8th 2021, 23:59 JST.

1 Start 2 Complete

Please let us know about your overall experience of the event

Choose from excellent to poor.
1 = not at all likely 10 = extremely likely

Please indicate your satisfaction with the following parts of the event

Choose from very satisfied to very dissatisfied.
Choose from very satisfied to very dissatisfied.
Choose from very satisfied to very dissatisfied.

Questions about platform experience and event organization

Choose from very satisfied to very dissatisfied.
Choose from very satisfied to very dissatisfied.
Choose from all of the information to none of the information.
Rate from Much too long to much too short.