Class of 2022 Student Admissions


Applicants Offered Students Accepted Students % of women Age
573 45 59 30 22-34 (Ave 25.5)

*The number of accepted students includes students who were accepted in a previous year and deferred enrollment.

Place of Origin



List of Fields

Aeronautical engineering, Engineering and Applied Science, Physics - general 1
Applied mathematics 1
Applied mathematics, Artificial intelligence, Cognitive neuroscience, Computational neuroscience, Computer sciences, Physics, Theoretical physics 1
Artificial intelligence, Biophysics, Oceanography, Physics 1
Artificial intelligence, Computer sciences, Mechanical engineering, Robotics (control) 1
Atomic physics, Condensed matter physics, Optics, Quantum physics 1
Biochemistry/Chemistry - general/Material Science 1
Bioinformatics, Biology, Evolutionary biology, Marine biology 1
Bioinformatics/Computational neuroscience/Systems neuroscience 1
Bioinformatics/Molecular biology 1
Biology, Ecosystem sciences, Marine biology, Zoology 1
Biology, Marine biology, Microbiology, Systematics 1
Biology,Neuroscience 1
Biophysics,Ecosystem sciences, Marine biology, Physiological ecology 1
Biophysics/Chemical engineering 1
Biosensing, Biotechnology, Electrochemistry, Microfluidics 1
Biotechnology, Epigenetics, Genetics, Molecular biology 1
Chemical engineering/Chemistry/Surface sciences 1
Chemical Physics 1
Chemistry, Computer sciences, Condensed matter physics, Quantum physics 1
Chemistry, Material Science, Organic chemistry, Renewable energy 1
Chemistry, Organic chemistry, Synthetic organic chemistry 1
Cognitive neuroscience/Neuroimaging/Psychology 1
Computational neuroscience, Computer sciences, Machine learning, Statistical analysis 1
Computational psychiatry, Neuroscience, Reinforcement learning 1
Computer Science,Mathematics 1
Computer sciences/Engineering and applied sciences 1
Condensed matter physics, Nanotechnology, Physics, Quantum physics 1
Condensed matter physics, Partial differential equations 1
Condensed matter physics, Physical chemistry, Quantum physics, Solid state physics 1
Condensed matter physics, Physics 1
Condensed matter physics, Quantum physics, Theoretical physics 1
Confocal microscopy, Optics, Photonics, Physics, Quantum, Two-photon microscopy 1
Coordination chemistry, Medicinal chemistry, Organic chemistry, Organic Synthesis 1
Developmental biology/Epigenetics/Learning - decision making - and memory/Molecular neuroscience 1
Functional analysis, Mathematics, Real analysis 1
High energy physics, Physics, Quantum physics, Theoretical physics 1
Inorganic chemistry, Organometallic chemistry, Transition Metal Complexes 1
Marine biology, Molecular biology, Zoology 1
Marine Science,Biology 1
Neuroscience,Biology,Psychology 1
Optics and photonics Quantum physics 1
Optics, Physics, Quantum physics, Theoretical physics 1
Organic chemistry 1
Physical chemistry, Polymer chemistry, Rheology 1
Physics,Engineering 1
Physics/Quantum physics 1
Psychology 1
Quantum field theory, Quantum gravity 1
Systems neuroscience 1