
To apply for participating in the OIST Workshop Geometric Aspects of Partial Differential Equations, please fill in the form below.

Applications are accepted until August 14, 2023 (JST).

Due to the limitation of capacity and budget, we can only host a fixed number of participants. Results of your application will be notified by the end of August 2023.

Local transportation and accommodation will be covered for all confirmed participants. Participants need to use their own funds for the flight tickets.

Participants are selected based on their research interests and relevance to the theme of this workshop. Priority is given to the following groups:
●    Participants who will contribute with different research viewpoints to the workshop.
●    Participants in the early career stage.
●    Participants from underrepresented groups.

If you are a PhD student, please list your advisor and his/her website.
Please describe why you want to attend this workshop and how your research interests are related to the topics of the workshop in a paragraph or so.