[Seminar] A low-cost, pseudo-volumetric reconstruction technique for velocity and density fields of variable-density turbulent flows






Prof. Chris C.K. Lai / Georgia Institute of Technology


A low-cost, pseudo-volumetric reconstruction technique for velocity and density fields of variable-density turbulent flows


]Fluid turbulence is an unsteady, three-dimensional (3D) phenomenon that affects the dispersion of heat and mass in the environment and the friction (drag) at solid boundaries. To fully characterize a turbulent flow thus requires the simultaneous measurements of the fluid velocity, density, and tracer mass distributions within a fluid volume at a sufficient spatial-temporal resolution. This is a non-trivial task for experimentalists because of the capital involved; it is estimated that between 8 to 12 high-speed cameras are required to do a full tomographic reconstruction of the velocity and scalar fields. Even when a high number of cameras is available, the physical constraints of a setup may preclude the deployment of such imaging system. To circumvent this technological barrier, I will present in this seminar a three-camera reconstruction method to obtain time-resolved, 3D fluid velocity and density data from planar data.



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