[Seminar] Effects of the stenotic aortic valve on the left heart hemodynamics: a fluid-structure-electrophysiology approach

Prof. Francesco Viola (Gran Sasso Science Institute)
Effects of the stenotic aortic valve on the left heart hemodynamics: a fluid-structure-electrophysiology approach
Computer simulations of the blood flow in the heart and arteries can be a precious tool to improve the predicting capabilities of diagnostics, refine surgical techniques and test the performance of prosthetic devices. However, the reliability of cardiovascular simulations depends on the accurate modeling of the hemodynamics, the realistic characterization of the tissues and their electrical activation. The resulting fluid–structure–electrophysiology interaction (FSEI) implies the solution of a large dynamical system and, therefore, the computational model has to be highly optimized to integrate several heart beats within few hours in order to timely provide statistically converged results for clinical decision. In this seminar, our multi-physics computational framework for cardiac simulations is briefly reviewed and then applied to investigate the hemodynamics modifications in the left ventricle induced by an impaired aortic valve affected by calcific stenosis. Successively, we will discuss the diagnostic potential of such a computational approach and the technical bottlenecks that prevent us from a systematic use of cardiovascular simulations in the clinical practice.
Meeting ID: 995 2715 5609
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