[Seminar] Coagulation driven turbulence in binary fluid mixtures







Prof. Dhrubaditya Mitra / NORDITA


Coagulation driven turbulence in binary fluid mixtures


We employ direct numerical simulations and scaling arguments to study coarsening in binary fluid mixtures with a conserved order parameter in the droplet-spinodal regime where the volume fraction of the droplets is neither too small nor symmetric. We consider two cases: small and moderate Reynolds number. In both of these cases we uncover novel coarsening mechanisms, that are driven by a complex flow with a characteristic length scale different from the characteristic length scale of droplets, giving rise, respectively, to a domain growth law of t^(1/3) and t^(1/2) , where t is time. Unlike usual Kolmogorov turbulence the probability distribution function of the velocity of the flow at small Reynolds number is strongly non-Gaussian.


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