Quantum Gravity Group Meeting
Title: Boundary<->Horizon maps for classical higher-spin gravity in de Sitter space.
Speaker: Yasha Neiman, Quantum Gravity Unit (Neiman)
Title: Active THz metamaterial photonics: From all-dielectrics to superconductors
Speaker: Professor. Ranjan Singh
Institution: Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Title: Estimation of neural connections from partially observed neural spikes
Speaker: Professor Noboru Murata
Institution: Waseda University, Japan
Quantum Gravity Group Meeting
Title: Introduction to Quantum Error Correction
Speaker: Henry Stoltenberg, Quantum Gravity Unit (Neiman)
Klaus Müllen, Director and Scientific Member at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research in Mainz, Germany
Titile: Genomics of uncultivable bacteria deciphers multilayered symbiotic system in the termite gut
Speaker: Professor Yuichi Hongoh
Institution: School of Life Science and Technology, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Thesis Public Presentation
Presenter: Jessica Verena Schulze
Title: Spatial and Modular Regularization in Effective Connectivity Inference from Neural Activity Data
Date&Time: November 26th, 4:00pm
Venue: C209, Ctr Bldg
Title: Image and Shape Analysis of Biological Specimens
Speaker: Professor. Daniel Baum
Institution: Zuse Institute Berlin, Germany
All are welcome. Language: English.
Dr. Ann-Shyn Chiang, Dean of College of Life Science, Directory of Brain Research Center, Distinguished Chair Professor of National Tsing Hua University
Please see attached PDF for details.
Contact President's Office for more information.
Title: Ultrafast Dynamics and Control in Quantum Materials
Speaker: Professor. Richard Averitt
Institution: UC San Diego