
Board game session: 24.06 & 3.07

Hello everyone


We are organising board games on 24.06 and 3.07 at OIST starting at 6pm. Exact location will be specified later in discord.

More details about the events are in the discord channel:


If you want to join please go to the discord and join the event. Or if you don't want to use the discord, shoot an email and I will give you the details


Thank you

Thanks to everyone who passed by our booth at the Activities fair; we were very happy to see interested faces.

Activities fair at OIST

Hola everyone!


OIST Recreation Services is organizing an activity fair this May, and the board game club will participate this year.

If you want to know more about the club, maybe try some short games, or just want to chat about the games, come by our booth

Date: 31 May

Time: 16:00-18:00

Location: Conference center


Party for everybody


Our board game club is planning to have a big meet-up open to everyone on 27.01 at 12:30

Location: OIST lab 2 level B kitchen


More details in the discord channel!



OIST board game club

List of tournament games

Hello Hello 
It is time to announce the board game list for the tournament. 

Halloween board game party

It's a spooky time of the year!

Let's celebrate it together with the Board game club!

Take your chance and participate in a small tournament and win the main prize - A BOARD GAME! What do you need to do for that? Come and play games, for each victory, you will get some special tickets and the person with the most will take home the prize! In order for you to prepare for this, we will announce the tournament games beforehand, so you can read the rules 

Board game session alert

It is happening!

The board game club is gathering together to play and enjoy homemade pizza. Can it even get any better? I don't think so

Grab your favorite snack/drink and come play board games next Saturday 23.09 starting 1 p.m. at Plumeria Lounge in the Gardens. (see the map in the attachments)



OIST Board game club



Finally, a gaming night!

Hello everyone!


After a few weeks of being too busy, I will once again host another gaming night event this Sunday, February 24th 2019 at 3 pm at my place, VC405!


Bring snacks, drinks, and your games if you have any!




Video Gaming Club

First Gaming Event of 2019!

Hello everyone!

We will have our first gaming event of 2019 on Sunday, January 27th from 2 pm to 8 pm in VC 405!

Since the budget is non-existent, I would like to ask everyone to bring a little something to drink and eat!

As always, we will play a nice selection of games such as Super Smash on the Switch, Towerfall, Mario Party, and much more!

See you then!

The Gaming Club