Treasures of the Deep/深海の宝物

Treasures of the Deep/深海の宝物 is a beautifuly illustrated children's book about adventure and exploration of the deep ocean published by the Deep Ocean Stewardship Initiative (DOSI) 

The original English version of 'Treasures of the Deep' was written by Maria Baker, Ana Hilário, Hannah Lily, Anna Metaxas & Eva Ramirez-Llodra and illustrated by Abigail Pattenden. With funding the Commonwealth Secretariat in association with DOSI, University of Southampton and InDeep.

Digital (PDF) copies of the 'Treasures of the Deep' are freely available to download in various languages from here.


The Japanese version was translated by Yuko Inoue. Originally 50 copies were printed with funding from 'The Oceanographic Society of Japan' for national distribution (details here). An additional 50 copies were then printed by UMI using funding from the 'Daikin Orchid Bounty' for distribution across Okinawa.

It is important that these books be widely shared in Okinawa as it coveres the topic of deep-sea mining, which started here for the first time in the world. Much of the public is unaware of the unique ecosystems and species that can be found at the seafloor around Okinawa, let alone the mining operations that threaten them. For this reason, UMI has committed to donating these books across Okinawa as soon as possible.

Request a free copy

If you are associated with an institution in Okinawa where such a donation would be appropriate, you can request a free copy by contacting