[Seminar] Quantum-enabled operation of a microwave-optical interface by Prof. Johannes M. Fink






Quantum-enabled operation of a microwave-optical interface

Johannes M. Fink
Institute of Science and Technology Austria

Solid-state microwave systems offer strong interactions for fast quantum logic and sensing but photons at telecom wavelength are the ideal choice for high-density low-loss quantum interconnects. A general-purpose interface that can make use of single photon effects requires < 1 input noise quanta, which has remained elusive due to either low efficiency or pump induced heating. In analogy to a fiber optic modem, here we demonstrate coherent electro-optic modulation with only 0.16 input noise quanta on nanosecond timescales as required for practical quantum network protocols. We achieve unity internal photon conversion efficiency by pushing the resonantly enhanced electro-optic interaction all the way to unity cooperativity. Together with the low noise level this leads to the observation of laser cooling and vacuum amplification as predicted a decade ago. The measured quantum noise forms the basis for deterministic entanglement generation - the missing link between cryogenic quantum circuits and room temperature photonics.

Biography of Prof. Johannes M. Fink

Johannes received a Master’s degree in physics from the University of Vienna. At ETH Zurich he conducted a PhD in the Wallraff group for which he was awarded the ETH Medal in 2010. After a short PostDoc at ETH he became an IQIM Postdoctoral Scholar and a senior staff scientist in the Painter group at the California Institute of Technology. In 2016 he started the Quantum Integrated Devices laboratory at IST Austria where he has been a full professor since 2021.


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