Unit News


  • June 21st: Another Nat Comm article was accepted this week, great work on enzymes clustering in droplets!
  • April 19th: Congratulations to Dan who published his work on GH19 in Nat Comm!
  • April 3rd: Congratulations to Ale who published his first piece of PhD work in JACS and got the cover page!
  • Feb 29th: congratulations to Yusran Abdillah Muthahari for being awarded the early-career Kakenhi grant!
  • Feb 13th: Congratulations to ⁨Ale Bevilacqua⁩ who received the Young scientist fellowship to attend the annual FEBS conference!
  • Jan 9th: Welcome to Baha who joined our lab for rotation!


  • Nov 6th: we kick off our first mini-symposium in person at OIST!
  • Oct 25th: Amy and Ale won the talks-competition Blitz at OIST !!
  • Sept 27th: Congratulation to Dan who was awarded the JSPS doctoral fellowship, the first of a long series in our lab!!!
  • Sept 7th: Paola was featured in the Tida news for the chembiotalent publication 
  • Aug 30th: we say goodbye to Mauricio, Trang and Diana, however they are all still at OIST as PhD students! Gambatte fro your new journey!
  • July 16: Congrats to Amy that was awarded the FEBS (federation for European biochemical societies) Youth Travel Fund (YTF) grant to participate to a FEBS course!
  • July 14: Terribly proud of Ale that was awarded the SMBE (society for molecular biology and evolution) travel grant to participate to the annual meeting.
  • May 17: Yoshiki was awarded the Sasakawa Research grant! He rocks. 
  • May 15: Nicteh was awarded the Diversity Equity and Inclusion Travel Awards to assist the Protein Society Conference and Yoshiki got the 2023 Protein Society Science Young Investigator Travel Awards! You will see them in Boston in July!
  • Feb 10: We are terribly proud of Yoshiki that received the best poster award at the Lorne Conference 2023. 
  • Jan 7: Welcome to Jun! for his rotation in our lab he will work with primordial peptides


  • Nov 24: Congratulation to Nicteh for her paper just accepted in PNAS!
  • Oct 10: We welcome Trang as an intern student for the next six months.
  • Sept 15: welcome to Anjali as out of field rotation student, we hope she enjoys the new subject.
  • Sept 22: We are happy that Ale came back, gambatte!
  • Sept 10: Welcome back Mirco for a short stay.
  • August 30: Bye-bye to Adriana, good luck with your future!
  • July 11: Congratulation to Dan who received the best student poster award at the protein society annual meeting!
  • May 10: We are excited to have Erika for her rotation in our lab! 
  • April 1: Our Nat Comm paper is among the 25 articles most read in 2021 in chemistry in Nat Comm!
  • March 30: Goodbye Madhuri, we wish you all the best for your future!
  • March 17: Mirco, Stefano and Gen paper was just accepted in Protein Science, gambatte!
  • March 13: congratulations to Stefano, his paper just got accepted in Plos Comp Biol!
  • ​March 1: Ben and Dan's review was accepted in ACS Biochemistry, well done!!
  • March 1: Congratulation to Prashant and Mirco for being awarded the early career Kakenhi grant!


  • Nov 1: Madhuri's paper is accepted in JACS Au, well-deserved!!
  • Oct 14: Congratulations to Ben for his paper in Nucleic Acid Res!!
  • Oct 11: Congratulations to Mirco for his new paper in Nat Comm!
  • ​Sep 1: We said goodbye to Lilian and welcome to Amy for her rotation in our lab!
  • ​April 10: Welcome to Lilian for her rotation in our lab!
  • April: Mirco received the award from The Italian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology! The award is for a young member evaluating the curriculum vitae and the quality of one selected publication during the year 2020. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31794008/ published in Biochemical journal. 
  • March 31: Goodbye to Aiman and good luck for his bachelor in Sapporo, we hope to see him soon again!
  • March 9: Yoshiki introduces OIST as distinct systems from other grad school in Japan. Published in 実験医学 
  • Feb 1: Welcome to Aiman from Hokkaido University, first intern student after long time!!!


  • Dec 1: We weolcome Sam for her gap+Rotation in our group, nice to have a new group member!
  • Sept 15: Welcome to Alessandro, our new rotation student! And we are hppy that Yoshiki keeps staying with us.
  • Aug 12: Last week we said goodbye to Andrea and Anna, we wish them good luck for their future!
  • May 11: Welcome to Yoshiki and Keon Young, our new rotation students!
  • Apr. 24: Congratulation to Stefano who passed his Thesis proposal examination!
  • Feb. 03: Welcome to Andrea, as a JSPS strategic program fellow!
  • Jan 14: Ben just joined as post doc today, welcome and all the best for your stay in OIST!


  • Dec.02: Welcome to Nicteh, our new postdoc!
  • Nov.29: Goodbye to Catalina, and good luck for your future!
  • Nov.17: It seems Mirco and Stefano did a great job at the OIST science festival! Pls look at the pics in the group picture section.
  • Oct.31: Goodbye to Babak and Good luck for your future!
  • Oct.03: welcome to Anna, our new intern student!
  • Sep.04: Stefano is featured on the article about Okinawa Science Mentoring Program. (PDF)
  • Sep.03: Our first student got Master degree. Congrats to Dalmira!!!
  • Aug. 21: pls check Stefano's teaching skills on you tube! "Working on your own code": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqWGliNNCZ8&feature=youtu.be
  • Jul. 12: Desirae joined our group as technician.
  • Jul. 02: Welcome to Catalina who joins our unit as an Intern Student.
  • May 30: Bye bye Upasana and good luck for your future.
  • May 21: Goodbye to Dalmira and all the best for her PhD in Mainz (Germany).
  • May 13: Congrats to Mirco who was awarded with the prestigious JSPS fellowship!!
  • Apr. 26: Goodbye Shayida and good luck for your new position in Sweden!
  • Apr.24: Welcome to Nonno who joins our unit as an Intern studentfrom Guelph University (Canada).
  • Apr.17: Goodbye to Tatsuya and good luck!
  • Apr.08: Welcome back to Dan, as a PhD Gap program student.
  • Apr.01: Welcome to Gen who joins our unit as a Technician.
  • Mar.01: Welcome to Mirco, our new Post doc from Italy!
  • Feb.21: Welcome to Tatsuya from Ehime Univ. who joins as an Intern and Goodbye to Avlokita!
  • Jan.29: Welcome to Varsha who joins our unit as an Intern student.
  • Jan.15: Welcome to Angela who joins our unit as a Rotation student.
  • Jan.08: Welcome to Upasana who joins our unit as an Intern student.


  • Nov.8: Congrats to Bhanu who got his first paper from our Unit accepted!
  • Oct.31: Goodbye to Dan and good luck for your Master in University of Ryukus!
  • Oct.18: Welcome to Avlokita who joins our unit as an intern student!
  • Sep.18: Welcome Back to Stefano, and Welcom to Santanu as a rotation student!
  • Aug.01: Welcome to Dan from University of Ryukyus who joined the lab as an intern student!
  • Jul.27: Goodbye to Harry and good luck for your Master in Harvard!
  • Jun.12: Welcome to Harry who joins our Unit as an intern student!
  • May.14: Welcome to Dalmira, a new PhD student in our Unit.
  • May.08: Welcome to Sarah, the first rotation student in our Unit!
  • Apr.02: Paola received Early Career Scientist Kakenhi!
  • Apr.01; Welcome to Shayda who joins our Unit as a Technician.
  • Mar.01: Welcome to Bhanu who joins our Unit as a Postdoctoral fellow. 
  • Feb.23: Congrats Stefano to be accepted as an OIST PhD student!
  • Jan.03: Welcome to Stefano who joins our unit as an intern student.



  • Dec 20: Madhuri is running our first experiments!
  • Nov 1: Madhuri and Babak join the PEE unit. Welcome to our two first group members!