FALL 2020 Nonlinear Analysis Seminar Series
Thursday, December 3, 2020 - 16:00 to 17:00
on Zoom
Dr. Adolfo Arroyo-Rabasa, University of Warwick
Title: Higher-integrability estimates for systems of PDEs with a non-linear pointwise elliptic constraint
I will discuss (L1,Lp) estimates for systems of PDEs of the form Au = 0, where A is a linear differential operator with constant coefficients and u is a vector-valued map satisfying a pointwise constraint of the form u(x) \in C, where C is a convex cone with sufficiently small aperture. I will collect some applications of this result to discuss higher integrability for Sobolev spaces and other spaces of bounded variation. This is joint work with G. De Philippis, J. Hirsch, F. Rindler and A. Skorobogatova.
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