Seminar "From sequences to structures, from structures to biology - On homo-oligomers and co-translational assembly" by Prof. Emmanuel Levy



Lab 3, C700


From sequences to structures, from structures to biology - On homo-oligomers and co-translational assembly

Abstract: In this talk, Prof. Levy will provide an overview of our research, emphasizing two recent pieces of work. The first goes from sequences to structures, with the development of an atlas of homo-oligomerization spanning proteomes and lineages ( The second goes from structures to biology, leveraging protein complexes' structures to crack the code of co-translational assembly.

Prof. Emmanuel Levy is an Principal Investigator of Emmanuel Levy's lab at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Islael.
He started the lab in July 2012. The research focuses on characterizing principles of proteome regulation and self-organization in cells. 

Host: Prof. Paola Laurino

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