Past Events

Seminar "Consequences of Climate-induced Range Shifts for Shared Fish Stocks" by Prof. Mikko Heino


Seminar by Prof. Mikko Heino

Title: Consequences of Climate-induced Range Shifts for Shared Fish Stocks

Affiliation: Department of Biological Sciences, University of Bergen, Norway

Hosted by Dieckmann Unit

Seminar "Metapopulation Heterogeneities in Host Mobility, Productivity, and Immunocompetency Always Increase Virulence and Infectiousness" by Dr. Masato Sato


Seminar by Dr. Masato Sato

Title: Metapopulation Heterogeneities in Host Mobility, Productivity, and Immunocompetency Always Increase Virulence and Infectiousness

Affiliation: Bioproduction Research Institute, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology

Hosted by Dieckmann Unit

Seminar "Adaptive Spirals in Haploid-Diploid Life Cycles: The Path to Extreme Asymmetry" by Prof. Akira Sasaki


Seminar by Prof. Akira Sasaki

Title: Adaptive Spirals in Haploid-Diploid Life Cycles: The Path to Extreme Asymmetry

Affiliation: Research Center for Integrative Evolutionary Science, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI), Hayama, Japan

Hosted by Dieckmann Unit

[POSTPONED] Seminar "Universal Dynamics of Word Frequency Through the Analysis of a Large Social Media Database" by Prof. Kenta Yamada

[Due to the sudden illness of the speaker, this seminar needs to be postponed, presumably until January.]

Seminar by Prof. Kenta Yamada

Title: Universal Dynamics of Word Frequency Through the Analysis of a Large Social Media Database

Affiliation: Faculty of Global and Regional Studies, University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan

Hosted by Dieckmann Unit

Seminar by Prof. Hyeong-Chai Jeong on "Exploring New Paths for Spatial Reciprocity Using One-Dimensional Cyclic Population Structures"


Seminar by Prof. Hyeong-Chai Jeong

Title: Exploring New Paths for Spatial Reciprocity Using One-Dimensional Cyclic Population Structures

Affiliation: Department of Physics, Sejong University, Seoul, South Korea

Hosted by Dieckmann Unit

Seminar by Ms. Naheon Lee on "Social Dilemmas and Cooperative Chasing Strategies in Two-Dimensional Space"


Speaker: Ms. Naheon Lee

Title: Social Dilemmas and Cooperative Chasing Strategies in Two-Dimensional Space

Affiliation: Department of Physics, Sejong University, Seoul, South Korea

Hosted by Dieckmann Unit


Seminar "Function-valued adaptive dynamics and the evolution of flowering phenology" by Prof. Kalle Parvinen (University of Turku)

Seminar Room C209 & Zoom

Seminar by Kalle Parvinen, University Research Fellow at the University of Turku, Finland (All are welcome to attend).

Seminar "Intraspecific life-history diversity in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and its consequences for sustainable exploitation" by Prof. Mikko Heino (University of Bergen)

L4E48 (Lab4 Seminar Room) & Zoom

Seminar by Prof. Mikko Heino (Univ. of Bergen). All are welcome to attend.

Seminar: "Mathematical Models Describing Evolutionary Immune Escapes of Pathogens" by Prof. Akira Sasaki (SOKENDAI)

Seminar Room C210 (Center Building) and Zoom

Seminar by Prof. Akira Sasaki (Sokendai). All are welcome to attend.

Seminar: "Indirect reciprocity under private observation" by Prof. Hisashi Ohtsuki (SOKENDAI)

Seminar Room L4F01 (Lab4 F floor)

Seminar by Prof. Hisashi Ohtsuki, SOKENDAI. All are welcome to attend.
