Past Events
Molecular mechanisms of odorant receptor-instructed neural map formation
2023-08-31Target audience: Interns, Students, PostDocs, and those who are interested in the same research field.
Language: English
OIST Developing Neural Circuits Course (DNC) 2023
2023-07-11 to 2023-07-23OIST Workshop | Website | Main organizer: Yoko Yazaki-Sugiyama (Neuronal Mechanism for Critical Period Unit) | OIST members are welcome to attend all scientific sessions (registration required). Tutorial sessions are closed (only for selected participants)
Light-intensity coding in the human prefrontal cortex
2023-07-03Target audience: Interns, Students, PostDocs, and those who are interested in the same research field.
Language: English
"The dragonfly’s superpowers: from predictive visual guidance and wing aerodynamics sensing to bio-inspired robotics" by Dr. Huai-Ti Lin
2023-05-01Dr Huai-Ti Lin, Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor)
Imperial College London, Department of Bioengineering
"Multidimensionality of leadership and emergent feedback mechanisms revealed by interspecific groups" by Dr. Eduardo Sampaio
2023-04-06Dr. Eduardo Sampaio, Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Collective Behavior, Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior
"Flickering caustics and mesmerising prey: the unique visual ecology of cuttlefish" Dr. Martin J. How
2022-11-10Dr. Martin J. How
Royal Society University Research Fellow
Ecology of Vision Lab, University of Bristol
"Integrating theory-guided and data-driven approaches for measuring consciousness" Dr. Nao Tsuchiya
2022-07-06Professor Nao Tsuchiya, PhD, School of Psychological Sciences, Monash University, Australia, "Integrating theory-guided and data-driven approaches for measuring consciousness"
Language: English
"Neurogelotology: Neuroscience of Fun" Dr. Shimpei ISHIYAMA
2022-06-29Shimpei ISHIYAMA, Dr.rer.nat., Junior Research Group Leader, University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Germany "Neurogelotology: Neuroscience of Fun"
Language: English
Celebrate the International Day of Light Live with Cephi the Cephalopod
2021-05-16Celebrate the International Day of Light Live, Streamed from OIST starring Cephi the Cephalopod