Internal Seminar: Jason Ball, Towards the Quantum Internet





Internal Seminar

Speaker: Jason Ball, PhD Student, Quantum Dynamics Unit (Denis Konstantinov Unit) 

Title: Towards the Quantum Internet


Quantum technologies hold incredible potential, with IT giants such as Google and IBM recently investing in developing a true quantum computer. However, there is still no way for quantum processors to exchange information over long distances at room temperature. One idea proposed to solve this problem is to use spins in solids to coherently convert microwave photons to optical photons. 
We will attempt to use color centers in diamond as a bidirectional, coherent optical-to-microwave transducer, making use of their desirable optical properties. By coupling the ensemble to optical and microwave resonators of sufficiently high quality factors, unity efficiency can theoretically be achieved. Such a transducer, if achieved, could facilitate the development of a large-scale quantum network.

Please join us for free pizza and scientific discussion following the Internal Seminar from 5:30pm outside of B700, Lab 3. 

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