Past Events

[Seminar] Dr. Junichi Ikenouchi "How are tight junctions different from other cell adhesion structures?"

Seminar Room L5D23

Dr. Junichi Ikenouchi

Department of Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Kyushu University

[Seminar] Dr. Misato Ohtani "Active mRNA metabolism is a key for the plastic regulation of cell potency in plants

Lab3 C700

Membranology Unit (Kono Unit) would like to invite you to the seminar by Dr. Misato Ohtani.

Department of Integrated Biosciences, Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, The University of Tokyo

Division of Biological Science, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Nara Institute of Science and Technology

RIKEN, Center for Sustainable Resource Sciences


[Seminar] Dr. Takaomi Sanda "Lineage- and stage-specific oncogenicity of master transcription factors in cancers"

Lab3 C700

Membranology Unit (Kono Unit) would like to invite you to the seminar by Dr. Takaomi Sanda.

Associate Director and Principal Investigator in Cancer Science Institute of Singapore; Associate Professor in Department of Medicine, National University of Singapore