Membranology Unit (Keiko Kono)
Latest Posts
7/1/2024, Dr. Enaam Alghamdi joined Kono lab
A new postdoc, Enaam, joined our team. Welcome Enaam, we are so excited to work with you!
3/29/2024, Kou officially received Ph.D. degree
Our Ph.D. student Kou who led the Nature Aging paper officially received his Ph.D. today. Congrats Dr. Suda! We, lab members, are all proud of your achievement!
3/21/2024. Our paper is featured on the Cover of Nature Aging
Our paper appeared on the cover of the Nature Aging March issue!
Cover Image Image: Amy Cao. Cover design: Lauren Heslop.
Kintsugi is the traditional Japanese art of repairing broken pottery with gold and urushi. Although the pottery is repaired, it does not return to its original state. This explains our finding: plasma membrane damaged cells change their cell fate to senescence after the membrane resealing.