Internal Seminar: Micro/Bio/Nanofluidics Unit and Quantum Wave Microscopy Unit

Join us for this years last Internal Seminars Series on December 11, from 17:00 to 18:00 in C700 (Lab3). This seminar features the Micro/Bio/Nanofluidics Unit (Amy Shen) and Quantum Wave Microscopy Unit (Tsumoru Shintake).
Micro/Bio/Nanofluidics Unit (Amy Shen)
Speaker : Casey Galvin
Title : Applications of Microfluidics Technology in the Micro/Bio/Nanofluidics Unit
Abstract : Microfluidics is a tool that enables the handling of a variety of chemical and biological materials at nanoliter volumes and less. One specific branch of microfluidics--droplet microfluidics--entails the use of nanoliter or smaller droplets or bubbles in an immiscible carrier fluid to create confined environments. The Micro/Bio/Nanofluidics Unit leverages microfluidics and droplet microfluidics in a number of research thrusts, ranging from fundamental fluid dynamics investigations to in vitro drug delivery platforms to chambers for cell growth and behavior studies. This seminar will provide examples of work in the Micro/Bio/Nanofluidic unit, with a specific emphasis on the speaker's own work in producing and separating femtoliter droplets in a microfluidic flow focusing device.
Quantum Wave Microscopy Unit (Tsumoru Shintake)
Speaker : Tsumoru Shintake
Title : Low Energy Electron Holography Microscopy
Abstract : : Since 2012, we started R&D on low energy electron microscope based on diffraction&holography imaging. Aim of this project is to provide unique tool to image bio-samples in sub-nanometer resolution. Key issue for bio-imaging at ultra-high resolution is how to reduce sample damage from imaging beams (electron, X-ray or UV light). We use low energy electron beam (10~1 keV), where kinetic energy of electron is ten times lower than TEMs, while providing higher contrast in principle. We report current status of our R&D.
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