Seminar by Prof. Tetsuo Hatsuda (RIKEN) "From Quarks to Neutron Stars"


Monday, July 11, 2016 - 15:30 to 16:30


B250, Center Building


Day: July 11 (Mon.)

Time: 15:30 - 16:30

Venue: B250, Center Building

Presenter: Dr.Tetsuo Hatsuda,  

Group Director of Interdisciplinary Theoretical Science Research Group, RIKEN, JAPAN

Title: "From Quarks to Neutron Stars"


All matter are made of elementary particles called quarks and leptons.
How the quarks form protons and neutrons?  How the protons and
neutrons combine themselves  to form atomic nuclei (with 10^{-12} cm diameter)?
Why super massive  nuclei (with 10 km diameter !) called the neutron stars can exist
without collapsing into black holes? Those questions are not answered in
satisfactory level and are under active investigations in modern  particle physics,
nuclear physics and astrophysics.
  I will first introduce the basic concept of the standard model
of elementary particles and then discuss the recent attempts to answer the above
questions on the basis of mathematical and computational techniques
together with various experiments and observations.  I will also discuss the connection
of such studies with the hunt for new form of matter such as the quark-gluon plasma in early universe and the quark matter in compact stars.




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