Seminar: Prof. Ariane Briegel: New insights into bacterial chemoreceptor arrays by electron cryotomography


Thursday, July 19, 2018 - 11:00 to 12:00


Seminar Room C210 - Ctr Bldg



New insights into bacterial chemoreceptor arrays by electron cryotomography



Most motile bacteria contain a highly sensitive and adaptable sensory system composed of clusters of chemoreceptors. This chemosensory system is used to detect changes in nutrient concentrations, allows the cells to navigate towards preferential environments and is also involved in host infection by some pathogenic bacteria. We use Electron Cryotomography (ECT) to study the three-dimensional architecture of the bacterial chemoreceptor arrays. Recent advances in automatic data collection schemes, electron microscope instruments, as well as new software tools for data processing provide the necessary framework to unravel structure and function of the bacterial chemotaxis systems.




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