Feminism and Intersectionality in Okinawa: 3rd Edition

Tuesday, April 2, 2024 - 16:00 to 17:30
Seminar Room B250
Feminism and Intersectionality in Okinawa: 3rd Edition
- Initiatives for fostering awareness on sexual diversity and human rights in Okinawa by the University of the Ryukyus
Emi Yano is a professor at the Graduate School of Law, University of the Ryukyus. She is also the Director of the Harassment, Counseling, and Support Center and a Pride Office Representative at the same university. Among her work on sexual diversity and transgender human rights in Japan, she contributed to launching the same-sex partnership certificate in Naha city in 2016.
- Activities of the NGO Okinawa Girls Empowerment IAm
Wakana Maeda founded Iam together with Ai Abe in 2021. Founded by two women from Yomitan, IAm is a non-profit organization to empower young Okinawan women to pursue their career goals. Their main activity is a casual gathering called IAm Networking Café where they invite inspiring women in various fields to give talks on their career path.
- Moderated by Ayano Ginoza, associate professor at the University of the Ryukyus and the editor-in-chief for the Okinawan Journal of Island Studies. Her research includes women's peace movements in Okinawa and the Asia-Pacific regions. She is currently co-editing Detours: A Decolonial Guide to Okinawa.
*This is a public event and the talks will be in Japanese with simultaneous English translation.
第3回ラウンド・テーブル 沖縄におけるフェミニズムとインターセクショナリティ
矢野 恵美
眞栄⽥ 若菜
宜野座 綾乃
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