Visiting a Doctor

Visiting a Doctor

Many hospitals and clinics do not accept appointments, and service is provided on a first come, first served basis. It is therefore recommended that you go early in order to avoid a long wait. However, it is a good idea to call in advance to ask whether the hospital operates on an appointment-based system. Most specialists at major hospitals do require an appointment.

  • If you need assistance, the OIST Health Center ( can make suggestions or help you contact a hospital or clinic or make an appointment.
  • Please be aware that an initial visit to a clinic or hospital requires an additional initial visit fee.

Choosing a Doctor

Employees may choose between large, general hospitals and small specialty clinics. This means that if you are having a serious medical problem of uncertain causes, it is best to visit a larger hospital, where they will have a wider variety of specialties. If you have a good idea of what your medical complaint is, you may visit a specialist (either at a hospital or at a clinic) without a referral. For example, if you are having a skin problem, you can go straight to a dermatologist. However, some hospitals will charge higher fees if you arrive without a referral from a smaller clinic.

To make a reservation at a hospital/clinic, please contact OIST Health Center

Location L4C12 (Level C, Lab 4)
Phone  098-966-8945 [ext. 28945]