"Towards Neutrino Mass Spectroscopy using Atoms/Molecules: Span Project" Motohiko Yoshimura and Noboru Sasao
2015年4月21日 (火) 14:00 〜 16:00
Meeting Room C015, Lab1
Title: "Towards Neutrino Mass Spectroscopy using Atoms/Molecules: Span Project"
Prof. Motohiko Yoshimura
Professor, Faculty of Science, Okayama University
Prof. Noboru Sasao
Professor, Research Core for Extreme Quantum World, Okayama University
Abstract (English)
In the first part of seminar presented by M. Yoshimura our new project of neutrino mass spectroscopy using atoms is reviewed from a theoretical point.
This project aims at systematically and experimentally determining remaining important neutrino parameters: determination of the hierarchical pattern of neutrino masses (normal vs inverted), the absolute neutrino mass value (or the smallest mass assuming three flavors), distinction of Majorana neutrino from Dirac neutrino, and determination of CP violating phases including those intrinsic to the Majorana neutrino. When the smallest neutrino mass (assuming three species of neutrinos) is determined with some precision, we can design experiment detecting the relic neutrino of 1.9 K temperature [1], which is important to the theory of early universe. Emphasis is placed on the principle of experimental method.
In the second part of seminar presented by N. Sasao, the current experimental status is reported. One of the key concepts of the project is “macro-coherent amplification principle” which should amplify otherwise small atomic neutrino rate to observable levels. Recently the principle has been tested experimentally with a two-photon process from a vibrationally excited state of para-hydorgen molecules [2]. The result shows that, owing to generated coherence among the molecules (see Fig.1), the observed rate is 1015 larger than that of the spontaneous rate, and that the essential part of the principle is proven experimentally. The detail of the experiment together with the future prospects will be presented in the seminar.
Figure 1: Raman side bands observed in the experiment. Large coherence was generated among hydrogen molecules.
[1] M. Yoshimura, N. Sasao, and M. Tanaka, Phys. Rev.D91, 063516(2015).
[2] “Observation of coherent two-photon emission from the first vibrationally-excited state of hydrogen molecules”, Y. Miyamoto, H. Hara, S. Kuma, T. Masuda, I. Nakano, C. Ohae, N. Sasao, M. Tanaka, S. Uetake, A. Yoshimi, K. Yoshimura, M. Yoshimura, Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. 2014, 113C01 (arXiv:1406.2198v2)
講演者:吉村 太彦(岡山大学、量子宇宙研究センター)
笹尾 登(岡山大学、極限量子研究コア)
セミナー後半部に於いては、「原子・分子を用いたニュートリノ質量分光計画」実験の現状を報告する (講演者:笹尾)。本計画の核心となす原理は「マクロコヒーラント増幅機構」と呼ばれる新たな増幅原理である。この原理を用い、極端にレートの小さい原子からニュートリノ生成過程を増幅する。最近、パラ水素振動励起状態からの二光子過程を用い、この増幅機構の原理検証実験を行った。その結果、分子に付与したコヒーランスにより(下図参照)、二光子過程のレートは、自然放射過程のそれに比較し、15桁以上増幅されることを示した。これにより「マクロコヒーラント増幅機構」の基礎的部分は実証されたと考えられる。セミナーに於いては、本実験の詳細と今後の展望を紹介する。
``Experimental method of detecting relic neutrino by atomic de-excitation'', M. Yoshimura, N. Sasao, and M. Tanaka, Phys. Rev. D91, 063516(2015).
``Observation of coherent two-photon emission from the first vibrationally-excited state of hydrogen molecules'', Y.Miyamoto, H.Hara, S.Kuma, T.Masuda, I.Nakano, C.Ohae, N.Sasao, M.Tanaka, S.Uetake, A.Yoshimi, K.Yoshimura, M.Yoshimura, Prog. Theor. Exp. Phys. 2014, 113C01 (arXiv:1406.2198v2)
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