OIST Blood Drive / OIST 献血運動


2014年6月20日 (金) 9:00 17:00


OIST Auditorium / OIST 講堂


This is an announcement of OIST’s second blood donation campaign!
Please give your blood and save lives.
You can get free soft drinks, Okinawan cookies (chinsukou) and a gift (original mug).

  • 400ml of blood will be taken.
  • Please, eat well and sleep at least five hours the day before the donation date.
  • You can also register for the Bone Marrow Donor Program at the same time.

(You may be able to register even if you do not meet the conditions for blood donation.)

People who have signed up in advance can register on a priority basis.
Walk-in donors are also welcome but wait times could be longer for them.
We may ask you to refrain from blood donation or bone marrow donor registry if you fall into any of the categories defined by Japan Red Cross Society and Japan Marrow Donor Program.

For more information and signing up, please read Registration for Blood Donation.


  • 献血量は400mlのみ
  • 前日は少なくとも5時間以上の睡眠、食事を充分摂ってから献血のご協力お願いいたします。
  • 骨髄ドナーの登録も受付しております。





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