Hotel Information

Hotel Information ホテル情報

OIST is located in Onna Village. It takes 5-20 mins from hotels in Onna Village and around 40-60 mins from hotels in Naha City by car.

Here is the list of hotels near OIST in Onna Village (Alphabetical oreder. List from by Society of Onna Village Commerce and Industry). 
恩納村にあるOIST近辺のホテル一覧 (アルファベット順 恩納村商工会のホテルリストから抜粋)

Map around Onna village 恩納村周辺地図

Google Map search result with key word Onnna village and hotel.
グーグルマップによる検索結果(キーワード 恩納村 ホテル)
