Past Events

Internal Seminar: Sowwan Unit and Skoglund Unit

2014年11月14日 (金) 17:00 18:00
Join us for November's 1st Internal Seminar Series, from 17:00 to 18:00 in C210. This month's seminars feature the Nanoparticles by Design Unit (Ibrahim Mukhles Sowwan) and the Structural Cellular Biology Unit (Ulf Skoglund).

Internal Seminar: Bandi Unit and Satoh Unit

2014年10月31日 (金) 17:00 18:00
Join us for October's 2nd Internal Seminar Series, from 17:00 to 18:00 in B503. This month's seminars feature the Collective Interactions Unit (Mahesh Bandi) and the Marine Genomics Unit (Nori Satoh).

Internal Seminar: Price Unit and Brenner Unit

2014年10月17日 (金) 17:00 18:00
OIST Auditorium
Join us for October's Internal Seminar Series, from 17:00 to 18:00 in the Auditorium. This month's seminars feature the Developmental Signalling Unit (Mary Ann Price) and the Molecular Genetics Unit (Sydney Brenner).

Internal Seminar: Konstantinov Unit and Wolf Unit

2014年9月19日 (金) 17:00
B250, Central Building
Join us for September's Internal Seminar Series, from 17:00 to 18:00 in B250, central building. This month's seminars feature the Quantum Dynamics Unit (Denis Konstantinov) and the Molecular Cryo-Electron Microscopy Unit (Matthias Wolf).

Internal Seminar: Shintake Unit and Maruyama Unit

2014年8月22日 (金) 17:00 18:00
B250, Central Building
Join us for August's Internal Seminar Series, from 17:00 to 18:00 in B250, central building. This month's seminars feature the Quantum Wave Microscopy Unit (Tsumoru Shintake) and the Information Processing Biology Unit (Takashi Murayama).

Internal Seminar: Hikami unit and Wickens unit

2014年7月18日 (金) 17:00
B250, Central Building
Join us for July's Internal Seminar Series, from 17:00 to 18:00 in B250, central building. This month's seminars feature the Mathematical and Theoretical Physics Unit (Shinobu Hikami) and the Neurobiology Research Unit (Jeff Wickens).

Internal Seminar: Shannon unit and Saze unit

2014年6月20日 (金) 17:00
B250, Central Building
Join us for this June's Internal Seminar Series, from 17:00 to 18:00 in B250, central building. This month's seminars feature the Theory of Quantum Matter Unit (Nic Shannon) and the Plant Epigenetics Unit (Hidetoshi Saze).

Internal Seminar: Mikheyev Unit and Sowwan Unit

2014年6月6日 (金) 17:00
Seminar room B250 - Central building
Join us for this June's first special edition of the Internal Seminar Series, from 17:00 to 18:00 in B250, central building. This month's seminars feature the Ecology and Evolution Unit (Alexander Mikheyev) and the Nanoparticles by Design Unit (Ibrahim Sowwan).

Internal Seminar: Qi Unit and De Schutter Unit

2014年5月23日 (金) 17:00
B250, Central Building
Join us for this May's Internal Seminar Series, from 17:00 to 18:00 in B250, central building. This month's seminars feature the Energy Materials and Surface Sciences Unit (Qi Mikheyev) and the Computational Neuroscience Unit (Erik De Schutter).

Internal Seminar: Kuhn + Doya Unit and Mitarai Unit

2014年4月18日 (金) 17:00
B250, Central Building
Join us for this April's Internal Seminar Series, from 17:00 to 18:00 in B250, central building. This month's seminars feature a collaboration between the Optical Neuroimaging (Bernd Kuhn) and Neural Computation (Kenji Doya) Units and the Marine Biophysics Unit (Satori Mitarai).
