
Poster Session 1

Poster Session 2

Poster boards are for A0 size, portrait format.

*oral presenation

Asher Jennings, RIKEN, Japan

Coupling plasmons on liquid helium to an LC resonator*

Austin Schleusner, Michigan State University, USA

High-frequency dynamics of the liquid and solid phases of electrons on helium*

Bart Schellenber, University of Groningen, Netherland

Levitated optomechanics for future precision measurement*

Brennan Dizdar, University of Chicago, USA

Towards strong coupling in single electron on helium systems

Bunpei Masaoka, RIKEN, Japan

Integration of superconducting quantum circuits using stacked structures

Camille Mikolas, Michigan State University, USA

Plasmon mode engineering and towards cQED with electrons on helium*

Daiku Kikuchi, Yokohama National University, Japan

Control center-of-mass motion of a single nanoparticle using the laser polarization

Fabio Ansaloni, Quantum Machines, Denmark

Hermetic packaging for cryogenic experiments*

Ivan Grytsenko, RIKEN, Japan

Rydberg state detection of surface electrons on helium by RF reflectometry

Ivan Hudak, Charles University, Slovakia

Roadmap for experimental studies of ultra-low-energy collisions of ions with electrons

Jui-Yin Lin, OIST, Japan

Comparison between RF reflectometry and image charge detection for quantum state detection in electrons on helium

Ka Wing Yip, OIST, Japan

Developing experimental setup for electrons floating on the surface of solid neon

Kento Taniguchi, University of Tokyo, Japan

Optimal suppression of anharmonicity in Paul traps for the spin readout of trapped electron qubits

Kun Zuo, University of Sydney, Australia

Progress on single electron on solid neon

Mayer Feldman, Princeton University, USA

Confining electrons in lythographically defined quantum dot arrays

Mincheng He, IOP Chinese Academy of Science, China

Dislocation multiplications and structural phase transitions in hcp 4He

Mohamed Hatifi, OIST, Japan

Spin-dependent harmonic traps for electrons on liquid helium

Natalia Morais, OIST, Japan

Boosting microwave field control for electron-on-helium qubit applications

Niyaz Beysengulov, EeroQ, USA

Towards coherence: control and readout of electrons on helium*

Oleksiy Rybalko, RIKEN, Japan

Towards detection of spin qubits on solid neon

Qi-Yang Zhou, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

Fabrication and characterization of Josephson junction devices using patterned optical masks

Sander van Haagen, RIKEN/TUDelft, Japan/Netherland

Cryogenic microwave source for scalable quantum computing

Seiya Shinkawa, Yokohama National University, Japan

Observation of center-of-mass motion using backscattered light from optically trapped nanoparticles

Schriganesh Neermoole, Indian Institute of Science, India

Calculation of electron wavefunction for the case of few electron bubbles using finite difference method

Shuma Oya, OIST, Japan

Integration of a fiber cavity with a miniature linear ion trap

Tiffany Liu, Princeton University, USA

Electron mobility measurements on thin film across mm long transport line

Tomoyuki Tani, OIST, Japan

RF-reflectometry for studies of Rydberg transition of 2-dimensional electrons on liquid helium

Wanting He, OIST, Japan

Electron spin gate with oscillating magnetic field gradient on liquid helium

Ying-Hsi Wu, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

Resistor-based generation and detection of second sound to study turbulence in radial counterflow in superfluid helium-4

Yiran Tian, RIKEN, Japan

Rydberg state detection of surface electrons on helium with cryogenic LC circuit using frequency modulation

Zhigang Cheng, IOP Chinese Academi of Science, China

Realizations, characterizations, and manipulations of two-dimensional electron systems floating above superfluid helium surfaces

Zhihao Chen, IOP Chinese Academi of Science, China

Tunnel diode oscillator and method based on resonance frequency of LC circuit