Introduction to Python programming on the Cluster — Session 2


2021年10月14日 (木) 13:00 15:00




Python is a popular, powerful programming language and has become very popular in scientific computing. It is a good language for those of you new to programming, and it's a powerful tool for experienced users. It's used as a scripting language, for running simulations and computational models, and as a numericla computing language similar to R or Matlab.
This course is aimed at those of you with some limited experience programming in other languages, such as simple Matlab scripts or R, and if you are completely new to programming you should also be able to follow along.

In the second session we will introduce the Python package system; show you how to install new Python packages for your own use on the clusters; and go through a couple of interactive examples on how to make use of Python on the clusters. This will be mostly hands-on, with you working through the example tasks.

More information at the course page here: Introduction to Python Programming on the Cluster

meeting ID: 962 9970 4647
passcode: 220030

All-OIST Category: 

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